白珊·安妮高中周讯 - 2021年11月19日
Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad. Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all of the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.
Baishan AWS,
Qingdao, China
中国 青岛
From the Director 项目主任总结
This edition of the Weekly Update in Sway is particularly impressive. As you'll read below, teachers are continuing to deliver engaging lessons and showing no signs of slowing down. Math students are learning how equations can, or can not, be applied to real-world situations. After weeks of practical lessons and labs, the science students begin a new unit by going back to the textbook for lessons on molecular biology. It was review week for the History students as they prepare for their Unit assessment. Good luck to them! 在本期周讯中,您可以看到我们的教师们正继续引导学生深入课程,并且循序渐进,逐步深入。数学课上学生们正在学习如何将方程式应用于现实世界。经过几周的实践课和实验课,科学课上学生们开始回归课本,学习新的单元——分子生物学。历史课上学生们正在为单元评估认真复习,祝学生们取得好成绩! Do not miss Ms. Gan's link to the students playing the new ukeleles. The students have developed quickly as they prepare for the show in January. 请一定观看本期周讯中音乐老师 Ms. Gan 上传的学生演奏四弦小吉他的视频,学生们正在为一月份的演出积极排练。
Blue Tie English students begin a new book, while the Green Ties, similar to the history students, prepare for a unit summative assessment. Good luck to them as well. 英语课上,蓝带学生开始学习一本新书,绿带学生正在准备单元总结性评估,祝他们取得好成绩!
Coach López coordinated with Amerasia to create an opportunity for the students demonstrate what they've learned in Ultimate and Touch Rugby in tournaments. Hoping for wins, but really excited to see the schools coming together to create such opportunities. 教练López与美亚国际学校合作,为学生们创造比赛机会,展示他们在触式橄榄球中学到的技能。非常高兴看到各个学校能齐聚一堂,为学生们创造互动交流的机会 ,祝孩子们创造佳绩!
The Chinese Literature and Culture students were introduced to Mohism and the ideas of Mozi through literature. 中国文学课上,学生们正在学习墨家和墨子的思想。
Upcoming Events即将举行的活动
Open Day - November 20, Saturday 11月20日 周六 学校开放日
Baishan AWS will be hosting an Open House for prospective families in the larger community. Consider sharing this opportunity with friends who may be interested in learning more about Baishan AWS. Mr. Silva and Ms. Jenn will provide demonstration lessons for both students and parents.
白珊·安妮高中将为有兴趣了解白珊·安妮高中课程的家庭举行开放日活动。Mr. Silva老师 和 Ms. Jenn老师将为学生和家长提供示范课程。
IB Mathematics AI SL with Ms. Guedes IB数学
This week the IB Math students continued studying analytical geometry. They learned how to graph and calculate the equation of the perpendicular bisector of a line segment. They needed it to create Voronoi diagrams modeling real-life issues, such as resource, business, and public service buildings location. 本周在IB数学课上,我们继续学习了解析几何。学生们学习了如何绘制和计算线段的垂直平分线方程。学生们需要创建Voronoi图形来模拟现实问题,如资源、商务和公共服务建筑的位置。
Voronoi diagrams display the proximity of a resource to each point on the map. Voronoi图形显示资源与地图上每个点的接近程度。
The students made connections between graphs and modeling of real-world issues. 学生们将图形与现实问题的建模联系起来。
Geometry and Algebra II with Ms. Guedes 几何和代数II
This week the Geometry students completed the unit on Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. As a special treat they explored parallel and perpendicular lines in non-Euclidean geometry, and discussed how we define parallel and perpendicular. In non-Euclidean geometry many of the theorems we learn do not apply. In the next unit we will continue to Congruent Triangles.
The Algebra 2 students worked on many real-world problems using systems of linear equations. They learned different methods of solving with and without graphing technology. There will be an unit assessment next week.
AP Art with Mr. Brandt AP艺术
This week in AP Art, Green Tie Katherine conducted material studies with cloth and a small mannequin. She will graduate to a larger mannequin later as she studies the textures, color combinations, and her skills at sewing. As a reminder from last week, her fashion design portfolio is inspired by sea coral.
Red Tie Max continues to develop a series of artworks that document his time during Covid self-isolation. 红带 Max继续进行系列艺术品的创作,记录他在新冠自我隔离期间的经历。
Biology with Mr. Silva 生物
We started Quarter 2 in our school year with high expectations and setting up academic goals. Molecular Biology requires a lot of time and reading to deep understand the roles of the chemical substances involved in life processes. We went back to the "old and good" textbook Biology for the IB Diploma to build up our concentration and note taking skills. 本周同学们带着高期望和高目标进入第二阶段生物学的学习中。分子生物学需要学生进行大量的阅读来深入理解生命过程中化学物质的作用。本周我们回归IB生物学教材,以培养学生们的专注力和记笔记的能力。
Student presented his research about Carbohydrates. 学生展示关于碳水化合物的研究
Integrated Sciences with Mr. Silva 科学
This week our students worked on collaboration and team work to master and review key concepts from Chemistry unit. Now, they are moving forward to design their own experiments in Chemical Reactions, taking in consideration safety and the Scientific Method full laboratory report. 本周在科学课上,学生们通过团队合作复习和掌握了化学单元中的重要概念。现在,学生们正在设计自己的化学反应实验,设计过程中学生需要考虑实验的安全性,科学方法以及写出完整的实验报告。
Students engaged on Quizlet live multiplayer to review and master key concepts in Chemistry. 学生们通过参加Quizlet 多人互动游戏来复习并掌握化学中的重要概念。
AP Physics 1 AP物理
Conservation laws 守恒定律
Last week the unit of conservation of energy was completed. So, following this we have critical thinking based questions in the class. Work sheets were given to the students. 上周我们完成了能量守恒定律这一单元,之后我们在课堂上对于一些问题进行了批判性思维的讨论。学生们需要按时完成作业清单里的作业。
Students also discussed in details about the energy conservation. For AP Physics 1 MCQ part the MCQ worksheet was solved by students. We are also aiming at the pace of solving of problems along with getting the correct answers. 此外,我们还详细讨论了节能问题。对于AP物理1 MCQ部分,学生们能独立完成MCQ的作业,同时,我们还致力于提高解决问题的速度以及正确率。
Individuals and Societies with Mr. Durbin 人文科学
This week in American History we reviewed for the Unit test next week. We have covered pre-colonial America through the American Revolution, 6 chapters. The test next week will include definitions, multiple choice, short answer and an essay question. The students were studying hard this week. On Monday we will discuss various possible short answers and essay questions as a class and in groups before playing a review game to practice the definitions. The unit test will be next Wednesday, November, 24th. 本周在美国历史课上,学生们有针对性地复习了下周将要进行的单元测试。本单元内容涵盖了从前殖民地时期的美国到美国独立革命,共6章。下周的单元考试将包括定义、多项选择、简答题和一道文章论述题。学生们本周都非常努力地进行复习。下周一我们将讨论各种可能出现的简答题和文章论述题,然后分小组,通过游戏等方式来帮助学生复习这些定义。下周三11月24日我们将进行单元测试。
This week in Social and Cultural Anthropology we continued to investigate international supply chains through an anthropological lens. The students have been writing essays on a research question they created within the area of inquiry, "production, exchange, and consumption." The students have been reading each other's essays to peer edit and identify key concepts to expand their thinking on the issue. The final draft is due next Monday, I look forward to reading them. 本周在社会和文化人类学中,我们继续从人类学的角度研究了国际供应链。学生们一直在就他们在探究“生产、交换和消费”领域中提出的一个研究问题撰写文章。学生们通过阅读彼此的文章,进行同侪反馈并确定重要概念,以加深他们对该问题的思考。学生最晚于下周一提交撰写的文章,我期待着阅读学生们的成果。
English at AWS 英语
Blue Ties have begun studying Clap When You Land, a novel in verse, which gives students at opportunity to see multiple figuarative language and sound devices at work. In addition this week, we examined foreshadowing as a technique to build suspense in a text, using Rohl Dahl's story "The Landlady" in Escape Room form. Green Ties are preparing for their Unit 1 summative assessments next week, which will include aspects of the IBDP Language Acquisition assessments for writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Yellow Ties focused on writing good paragraphs this week while continuing to follow Percy Jackson on his Hero's Journey. Finally, our Red Tie honed his argument, especially focusing on organizing solid paragraphs, a compelling counterargument, and cleaning up grammar in the revision process.
在本周的文学课上,蓝带10年级的学生已经开始学习 Clap When You Land。这是一本诗体小说,学生们可以从中学习修辞手法和韵律节奏。除此之外,本周我们还通过学习罗尔·达尔(Rohl Dahl)的故事The Landlady,研究了一种在文本中构建悬念的手法。绿带11年级的学生正在为下周要进行的第一单元总结性评估做准备,该评估将根据IBDP语言习得评估要求,包括写作、阅读、听力和口语。黄带9年级的学生本周专注于写好段落,同时继续跟随 Percy Jackson学习英雄之旅。最后,红带12年级的学生锤炼了自己的论点,特别是在组织严密的段落、令人信服的反驳以及在修改过程中清理语法方面的问题。
Music with Ms. Gan 音乐
This week, students are playing the ukuleles, they learned about C, and F chord on the ukulele and basic strumming. Here is a video of us playing the ukuleles. CLICK HERE 本周音乐课上,学生们练习了四弦小吉他演奏,学生们学习了四弦小吉他C和F和弦以及基本的拨弦。请点击观看学生们四弦小吉他演奏的视频CLICK HERE 。
Meanwhile, after school hour band practice, we welcome Jay and Mr Dustin on board for our practice. We are excited to present to you our performance in end of January.
同时,欢迎Jay和Mr. Dustin加入我们课后的乐队排练, 我们将在一月底为大家演奏。
PE and Fitness with Coach López 体育健身
After weeks of practice playing different invasion sports, our students got the chance to perform all the learned skills in two different tournaments this week. AWS and Amerasia International School PE departments worked collaboratively to ensure that the students had a safe and encouraging environment to work as a part of a team and try out new challenges. Grades 9 and 10 were mixed together with MYP students from Amerasia International School and play an Ultimate tournament on Tuesday and a Touch Rugby one on Thursday. Both events were a huge success, and we look forward to provide these opportunities to our students again in the future. There were many positive interactions among the different teams and a great deal of sportsmanship was shown during both events.
Our Fitness students, continue developing their different health related fitness components while supporting and spotting each other when needed. They are very independent in the weight room, they know how each of the machines work and which muscle groups the different exercises target. It is expected that by the end of this school year they will be able to use the weight room in their own, and they are working hard towards achieving that goal.
Chinese Literature & Culture with Ms. Emilia 中国文学
This week, we learned about the Legalists and Mohists in ancient Chinese thought and theory. While studying Han Feizi, the representative of Legalists, and his work five beetles, the students made an in-depth study and Discussion on ancient Chinese history, culture, philosophy and social system. We also studied Mozi, the main representative of Mohism, and his masterpiece universal love. Through studying literary works, we can better understand the "ten propositions" of Mohism.
IBDP中文课的学生们进行了第一单元话剧《茶馆》的单元测试。通过口试和笔试两种不同的形式,检验了同学们这一阶段的学习成果,也让大家真切感受到自己取得的进步。 同学们的语言表达变得逻辑通顺、条理清晰 、有理有据。写作也不再是杂乱无章,而是有点有面,既深入分析又精炼概括,在规定时间内成功地完成了一篇考试论文。The students of DP Chinese class took the test of the first unit drama Teahouse. Through two different forms of oral test and written test, we tested the students' learning achievements of this unit, and also let them really feel their progress. The students' language expression becomes logical, clear and reasonable. Their writing is no longer disorderly, but a little multifaceted, is not only in-depth analysis but also refined and summarized, and successfully completed an examination paper within the specified time.
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