BAISHAN AWS WEEKLY UPDATE - October 30, 2020Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad. Our Weekly Update is an o...
BAISHAN AWS WEEKLY UPDATE - October 23, 2020 Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad. Our Weekly Update is an ...
RedTie Zoey‘s photograph "LOVE" illustrating an environmental messagemade with found flowers. 红丝带Zoey的照片“爱”,用找到的花阐述了环境信息。 Dear Baishan AWS Parents and students, Baishan AWS had another exciting ...
Dear Baishan AWS Family, 尊敬的白珊·安妮高中的家长和学生们: This has been a very productive week here atBaishan AWS. Many students have beenable to submit late work while learning new content. The faculty...
Dear Baishan AWS Parents and Students, We hope that you all received the Student LearningSummaries, and that you have had some time to review this document with yourson or daughter. We are also ...
Dear Baishan AWS Parents and Students, We will be sending each family a letter next week to help everyonebe clear about our goals and expectations for the remainder of the school year.This docume...
Dear Baishan AWS Parents and Students, We were very happy to have had our Grade 10students back at school this week. It‘s great to see them again in person, andcatch up on life and school together...
Dear Baishan AWS Parents and Students, Good News! We have just learned that high school students,including our Grade 10‘s are now approved for a return to school between thedates of May 18th a...
Dear Baishan AWS Parents and Students, We are finally seeing some light at the end of thetunnel. We are really happy to know we will be welcoming back our Grade 9students next Monday, May 11th. ...