


Dear Baishan AWS Parents and Students, 

We will be sending each family a letter next week to help everyone be clear about our goals and expectations for the remainder of the school year. This document is called a, "Student Learning Summary", and will list each class your son or daughter is taking along with a comment regarding work completion, and the probability that course credit will be possible to be earned this year. This document will provide all families with a clear and concise overview of the year's work to date. 

We will then follow up on this process with Parent/Teacher conferences which will take place on Friday, June 12th. AWS staff will then have an opportunity to discuss with parents and students the details of what can be done with the time remaining in school year. The school office will send out a schedule, and help you all sign up for a time that can best meet your schedules. 

I have been in contact with Annie Wright staff in Tacoma, (Annie Wright students will not return to classes this year) and we are organizing both college counseling as well as learning support for our students. It is good to have a strong partnership with our team in Tacoma. I truly hope that we can start back with our student exchanges that we had planned earlier this year, we will do all we can to make these happen! 

Robert Hinman



下周我们将会给每个家庭发一封家长信,帮助您清楚地知道我们在本学年剩余的 时间里的目标和期望。这份 “学生学习总结将会列出您的儿子或女儿是否完成 目前所学习的每门课程的课堂内容,以及今年获得课程学分的可能性。这份文件 将会为您提供本学年到目前为止孩子的学习概况。 

6 12 (星期五)我们将会举行家长教师见面会,白珊·安妮高中的老师将会 与您详细讨论学生在本学年剩余时间的学习计划和安排。班主任老师将会通知您 来学校与老师面谈的具体时间。 

我一直与美国塔科玛安妮·莱特学校保持密切联系(美国安妮·莱特学校的学生今 年将不会返校复课),我们正在为我们的学生组织大学咨询和学习方面的支持, 很高兴能和在塔科玛的团队保持较强的合作关系。我真的希望我们能进行今年早 些时候计划好的学生交流项目,将来我们也会尽我们所能促成这件事情。 

罗伯特·茵曼 白珊·安妮高中项目主任 

World Geography and US History with Ms. Brauer

Migration, urbanization, and development are all intertwined. What does it mean to say that a country is developed or developing? The Grade 9 geographers started this week looking at how the way we talk about development has changed over time, and now we're studying quality of life indicators to see what data backs up how we categorize various countries. 移民、城市化和发展都是交织在一起的。我们怎样来定义一个国家是发达国家还 是发展中国家呢?本周在九年级的地理课上,学生们开始研究我们谈论的发展方 式是如何随着时间的推移而改变的,现在我们正在研究生活质量指标,看看有哪 些数据支持我们对不同国家的分类。

In US History, we're sorting through a dozen different primary sources to decide whether the richest men of the Gilded Age -- Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan -- were Captains of Industry or Robber Barons. 在美国历史课上,本周十年级的学生正在对十几个不同的主要资料来源进行分类, 以确定这个镀金时代最富有的人——洛克菲勒、卡内基和摩根——是工业大亨还 是强盗大亨。 

Math and Science with Mr. Mackeigan

In our ninth grade geometry class, we had our unit assessment on 3d figures and began our study of circles looking at inscribed angles, tangents, cyclic quadrilaterals, and finding angle measures and lengths of chords and arcs. 本周在九年级的几何课上,我们对三维图形这一单元进行了评估,并且开始学习 圆的内容,包括内接角、切线、循环四边形,并学习了如何对角的度数,弦和弧 的长度进行测量。 

In our tenth grade integrated science class , we wrapped up our study of cell biology, looking at the components of the cell, the organelles , and passive and active transport into and out of the cell. We also began our unit assessment, a research presentation on a bacterial disease. 在十年级的综合科学课上,我们结束了对细胞生物学的研究,复习总结了细胞的 组成、细胞器以及进出细胞的被动和主动运输。我们也开始准备进行单元评估, 做一个关于细菌性疾病的研究报告。 

Art with Mr. Brandt

The Baishan AWS Art students have made a great bit of progress this past week catching up on missed eLearning assignments and continuing their exploration of 3-dimensional art. Students are investigation how the primary colors made with acrylic paint can be successfully incorporated with natural materials. 本周在艺术课上,白珊·安妮高中的学生进步很大,他们补交了之前在上网课期 间错过的作业,并继续对三维艺术进行探索。学生们正在研究如何用丙烯酸漆制 成的原色与天然材料成功结合。


Livias Study of Frida Kahlo Livia 的作品 “Study of Frida Kahlo

Math with Mrs. Hinman

Students in Algebra II investigated how the unit circle can be used to graph the sine function and practiced many different skills involving reference angles. 本周在代数II的课上,学生们研究了如何用单位圆来描绘正弦函数,并练习了许多不同的有关参考角的技能。

English with Ms. Roth

Last week, English 9 practiced spotting sound devices in poems and this week will start digging into figurative language and different forms. They will start drafting their own poetry to be performed at the end of the year. Grade 10 continued their reading of  Pay It Forward . We're a third of the way through the book now, getting to know the characters and considering different points of view.在英语文学课上,九年级的学生上周学习了如何在诗歌中识别发音规则,本周将开始深入研究修辞语言和不同的语言形式。学生们将开始起草自己的诗歌并在年底进行演出。十年级的学生继续阅读《Pay It Forward》这本书,我们现在已经读了三分之一的内容,了解了书中的人物,并分析了不同的视角和观点。




1 - info@baishanaws.cn

We are always ready to help.

友情链接: 白珊学校 美亚国际学校 安妮莱特学校 蒙氏教师培训 技术支持:雷迅在线