


Annie  Wright  News


We are in this Together  


Compared to previous years, people are more eager for the arrival of spring this year.

During this extraordinary holiday, many may have recalled the words of Charles Dickens: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Today, human beings are more connected than ever thanks to advances in technology and travel, and appear to share a common destiny where in an event that touches one part of the world will ultimately affect the rest of the globe.

Ergo,2019-nCOV outbreak has undoubtedly become a global pandemic. For educators, this is a great opportunity to teach the concept of globalization.We believe that in the time of internalization, it is necessary to guide our Childrens' perspective, independent thinking, and optimism - some essential qualities of a true world citizen. It is undoubtedly more important than mastering knowledge and academic skills. 

The warmth of spring has arrived just as eager as the greetings and wishes from our AWS family, hoping we can overcome the epidemic and return to our happy school life soon!





01  Greeting from Mr.Hinman


Dear Baishan AWS Parents, Students, and Friends,

We have now moved through five weeks of distance learning. We hope that everyone sees that the staff is always trying new methods to get the lessons across in as exciting and interesting way as possible. I know that many of our students have mentioned to me that they are tired of being at home and want to get out among friends and have fun. This is completely understandable, and I am sure that this will be the case again soon. In the meantime, I think we should always focus on the positive, and remember that our team enjoys working with our students each day, no matter the format we must use.

It is through our friends and family that we make stressful times an opportunity to show one another that we care.

Robert Hinman



    本周我们已经完成了第五周的远程学习。 我们的老师总是在尝试新的方法,以尽可能令人兴奋和有趣的方式来教授课程内容,这些大家有目共睹。也有学生跟我提过,说他们厌倦了呆在家里,盼望可以和朋友们出去玩。这是我们共同的心声,相信很快我们就能实现了! 同时,我们应该始终保持积极的心态,不管采用什么样的上课形式,我们的教师团队始终珍惜并享受和学生们在一起学习的每一刻时光。




Annie E-learning 安妮云课堂

Art with Mr.Brandt 

The Coronavirus-19 did not stop students from learning and creating in Visual Arts.Visual Arts standards and course expectations include learning how to describe, analyze and interpret artwork.Each week,students have been challenged to select artworks by teacher-chosen artists and critique them.Students then created studies of the artworks by trying use the materials they found at home.

To do this, the visual art students used Microsoft Office 365 Teams and Forms to read the lesson and complete a form that prompts them to respond to specific parts of formal art critiques. This includes understanding the historical context in which artwork was created, such as during peace times or war times as doing so can dramatically influence artists’ intentions and viewers’ interpretations.

Although most of the student are using traditional and common art material, they are also encourage to take risk with drawing and painting with materials that are not meant to create artwork, such as painting with tea or coffee.

Although we look forward to returning to the art studio at school, there is much that can be learned using E-Learning.


为了课程能顺利进行,视觉艺术课的学生们使用微软Office 365 Teams 和Forms来学习课堂内容,并完成相应的表格,提示他们如何 对正式艺术评论的特定部分进行作答。内容包括理解艺术作品创作的 历史背景,如和平时期或战争时期,都会极大地影响艺术家的创作意 图和观众的解读。

Geography with Ms. Brauer

   世 界 地 理

In World Geography we’ve made the shift from Physical to Human Geography, starting all the way back with the first humans.

Grounding our claims in evidence is so important that we began with a survey of archaeology: What tools can scientists use to figure out the ages of really old things? And how do we piece together the stories of the earliest humans long before they started writing them down?

In our Unit Assessment, the 9th graders started by creating their own early civilizations. Now they’re reverse-engineering an archaeological dig – describing what evidence we’d have to find to support the claims they made within their historical fiction.


为我们的主张提供证据是非常重要的,所以我们从考古学的调查开始:科学家可以用什么工具来计算真正古老事物的年代?在人类有文 字记录以前,我们是如何把最早期的人类故事进行拼凑整理的?

在单元评估中,九年级的学生从创造自己的早期文明开始。现在他们正在进行反向研究:通过考古学挖掘来描述并找到必须 的证据来支持他们在历史小说中的说法。

Science and Math with Mr. Mackeigan 数理科学

In our tenth grade class, we looked at the quantum model of the atom,the four primary quantum numbers, energy diagrams, and electron configurations.

In our ninth grade class, we looked at atomic symbols and atomic masses for our science component. In geometry, we looked at the Pythagorean theorem and its converse, trigonometric ratios of special angles, and trigonometric functions of special angles.



03 Students Respond to Online Courses


This is the second semester of this school year, but because of the special situation we are facing right now in China, our school has delayed our opening date. Despite having a lot of issues that stop us from getting back to campus, our school is providing us online courses to help us keep making progress.






A:  Ms. Brauer, Ms.Roth and Mrs.Hinman are setting up courses on Moodle. Mr.Mackeigan is sending us teaching video including PPT and his explanation also. Mr. Brandt is using Teams, an app like We chat, for us to submit our assignments and communication.






A. Teachers are posting introduction videos for students to watch.Teachers are able to know if the students have watched the video and when. This avoid students skipping the videos and missing some details. It makes sure no student is left behind.

     According to student Victoria He, “The classes are a little hard but I can manage my own time and make my own study schedule. I have actually improved my study efficiency.” On the other hand, Max Ruan said, “I was struggled with these online courses,       I  can’t learn stuff on those teaching videos. What we have is only homework and readings.”

     As for me, studying online has developed my ability of self-learning. Since teachers are not beside me, I’m forced to think on my own, without asking teachers directly.

    I hope we can get over the virus together soon, though, and get back to our beautiful campus.


   By Zoey Wang


Victoria He说:“在线课程有一点儿难,但我可以自己安排时间,制定自己的学习计划。”而Max Ruan的体会是:"我一直在努力学习这些在线课程,只有家庭作业和阅读资料, 我无法在这些教学视频上学习。”



学生 Zoey Wang

04  Staying Healthy and Happy



1.Create a Daily Routine: Create a calm environment in your home by creating a daily routine that involves, enough sleep, healthy meals, and movement. It is important to set a time to wake up in the morning and start one’s day as if one did have to leave the house.

建立日常生活规范:在家中创建一个平静的环境,包括充足的睡眠、健康的饮食和适当的运动 。设定一个时间,就像我们每天出门上班上学时一样,早上按时起床,开始新的一天

2.Stay Positive: Remember to keep calm. Having calm, panic- free discussions can ease emotions around these changes.Take time to acknowledge your own feelings and worries by journaling or talking with friends.


3.Stick to the facts: Look at the facts. Discuss that not everything they hear or see is real.  Let them know that QAIS and AWS is doing everything we can, and you are up to date on current information. It can also be comforting to be reminded that doctors around the world are looking for ways to address the coronavirus and highlight positive news as well.


4.Consider Reducing Media Consumption: When looking online, consider the source and fact-check to prevent fake news, and think before you share. Be mindful of how much media you are checking and minimize how often you are reading stories. Try to keep a healthy balance (both online and offline).

减少媒体消费:在网上查找信息时,要考虑新闻来源和核实事实,防止虚假传播,并在分享前进行思考。注意你查看的媒体数量,尽量减少在线浏览的频率。试着在日常生活和生活方式 中保持健康的平衡(在线和离线)。

5.Eliminate stigma: It is important to be aware of how the coronavirus is explained to your children to avoid any person/group being blamed. Communicate to your children that if someone has a fever or cough it does not mean this person has the coronavirus.


关 爱 家 人   从 小 事 做 起

6.Boost Your Coping Strategies: When anyone has change or uncertainty this can create some levels of worry or anxiety. When this occurs, it is important to use positive coping strategies to manage those emotions. Coping strategies can include: positive self-talk, discussing hardships you have lived through in the past, singing, dancing, reading, drawing, music, Netflix/movies, create a gratitude list, meditation, yoga, coloring, exercise, cooking/ baking, talking to a friend or family member, or doing other activities that are fun or give you joy and make you feel good.

改善应对问题的策略:当情况发生时,使用积极的应对策略来管理不良情绪是很重要的。不管怎样,重要的是要实践积极的策略,冷静下来,或改变思维方式,改善我们的看法和整体的幸福感。应对策略可以包括:积极的自我 对话、讨论你过去经历的困难、唱歌、跳舞、阅读、绘画、音乐、电影、制作感恩清单、 冥想、瑜伽、上色、运动、烹饪/烘焙、与朋友或家人交谈,或者做其他有趣的,能给你带来快乐并让你感觉良好的活动。

7.Set Goals - This can be an excellent time to learn something new that you haven’t had time to learn. Set a goal and list daily steps to reach that goal within your 14-day quarantined period. Feeling accomplished can be an excellent remedy to anxiety.


If you find that additional support is needed, please reach out to our school guidance counselor, Emily Hinman, or your child’s teacher who can refer you to online counseling resources.

如果您需要更多的帮助和支持,请联系心理指导顾问Emily Hinman老师或其他老师,他们可以为您提供在线咨询指导。









* 面向全国招收初三毕业生,成绩合格者插班“白珊·安妮项目”十年级,注册美国安妮怀特学校高中二年级学籍





友情链接: 白珊学校 美亚国际学校 安妮莱特学校 蒙氏教师培训 技术支持:雷迅在线