



Dear Baishan AWS Parents and Students,

We are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. We are really happy to know we will be welcoming back our Grade 9 students next Monday, May 11th. 

The requirements that needed to be fulfilled to re-start school have been complex and in great detail.Therefore, the first few days back will be slower process of learning new routines, and getting students back into being together at school. We hope that the students will be able to re-adjust quickly.

We will then work on our planning to see where the greatest focus of teaching and learning will be for the next few months. We will make a time to meet with each family to individually review this plan together once we have the data in place to review our planning. Based on this data, will establish a schedule of extended coursework to help students have the time and attention to compensate for the time away from school.

As many of you know, I am still unable to return to China due to the health restrictions placed on travel from outside China. During this time, our administrative team from both Baishan and QAIS will be available to offer any additional support needed to our staff and students. I will be in daily contact with our staff, and our administrative team.

Robert Hinman

















Art with Mr. Brandt

In the spirit of being about to enjoy being outside, the Visual Art students have continued their investigations of famous environmental artists from around the world.  They research Nils Udo, who is known for using natural trees, leaves, and rocks to create artwork within nature.  Students were challenged to enjoy the Spring weather and explore their communities by finding natural material that could be arranged into an engaging design.

Next weeks artist is Andy Goldsworthy.  All students are encourage to accept the challenge of creating their own environmental artworks using material in their community or neighborhood.  


在视觉艺术课上,依照让学生们享受户外生活的精神,我们继续对来自世界各地的著名环境艺术家进行调查研究。学生们对Nils Udo进行了研究,他以使用天然树木、树叶和岩石在自然中创作艺术品而闻名。学生们被要求享受春天的天气,并通过探索他们周围的环境来寻找自然材料,并利用这些材料进行引人入胜的设计创作。

下周学生们将对艺术家Andy Goldsworthy进行研究学习。鼓励所有学生接受挑战,利用周围的环境来寻找材料,并创作自己的环境艺术作品。

Hello by Jordan Ma 

Study of Picasso by Jordan Ma

Leaves and flower design by Max Sun


US History and World Geography with Mr. Brauer

In World Geography, we've got the basic concepts and vocabulary of migration down, so we're using them to analyze two case studies. First up? Right here! China has experienced the largest rural-to-urban migration in the world. We're looking at how the government has managed it, and how it has affected both rural and urban parts of the country. 


In US history, a brutal four-year war has ended. 620,000 are dead. The President has been assassinated. And the task at hand? Come together again as a unified country, and make sure that all the newly-freed American Americans aren't exploited. We're studying what happened next. 


Math and Science with Mr. Mackeigan

For geometry, we will conclude our study of areas of figures, finishing up with an in-class assignment on areas of complex figures. Additionally, we will work on our individualized study plans, so that students will know exactly what they need to do in order to catch up. 


For our integrated science class, we will continue our study of covalent bonding,this time looking at lewis structures, diatomic elements, and polyatomic ions. Additionally, we will work on our individualized study plans, so that students will know exactly what they need to do in order to catch up. 


English with Ms. Roth

In English 10, we will continue our study of the novel Pay It Forward. In English 9,  we will round out the e-learning period by reviewing the concept of theme by watching several short films.

在十年级的英语课上,学生们在继续研究小说Pay It Forward


Math with Mrs. Hinman

Students are completing their portfolios, taking the unit 7 assessment, and completing conic section drawings next week. 


1 - info@baishanaws.cn

We are always ready to help.

友情链接: 白珊学校 美亚国际学校 安妮莱特学校 蒙氏教师培训 技术支持:雷迅在线