

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年4月30日


Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad. Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all of the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.

Baishan AWS, Qingdao, China 白珊·安妮高中是青岛白珊学校与美国华盛顿州塔科马市的安妮·怀特学校合作,为学生到海外继续学习做好准备的高中项目。每周的周讯是我们分享学生在学校课堂内外有趣学习经历的机会,也是我们致力于与家长和社区进行沟通的很好的工具和证明。   


 中国 青岛

From the Director 项目主任总结

This is the time of year when schools make special accommodations for the students' unique educational needs. Baishan AWS is no different. These accommodations are taking the form of unique schedules for our Red Tie Advanced Placement students who are preparing for their external exams. AP Chemistry starts next week and, as you'll read in Ms. Jia's article, the students have been provided with extra time for intense studying. 


Baishan AWS is also responding to warmer temperatures and looser travel restrictions within the province by emphasizing field trips and off-campus activities. With the help of Ms. Du, Mr. Kytle was able to take the Blue and Green Ties to the Hisense Science Museum. Make sure to read his article below and view the many photos. Travel and ticket costs were covered by the school.

随着天气转暖和旅行政策的放宽,白珊·安妮高中也将在校外和省内开展一些实地考察的学习活动 。在杜老师的帮助下,本周Mr. Kytle 老师带领蓝带和绿带的学生到海信探索中心进行了实地考察学习。请阅读下面的文章,并查看活动的一些照片。本次活动的费用由学校承担。

Plans are also being made for other educational opportunities in the near future. Please look for more on this very soon. 



Lorne Brandt

Physics with Mr. Richard 物理课


This week we continued our new Unit on Motion in Physics. The students examined the route Magellan took as his crew circumnavigated the globe. We examined the historical data from the time period and we discussed the validity and accuracy of the data. Along with these questions we also discussed what other data we needed in order to enhance the credibility of our calculations regarding the distance traveled and speed. 


Thursday, we went on our first Physics Field Trip! The students got a chance to go to the best Science Museum in Qingdao, the Hisense Science Exhibit. The Museum is broken up into four different floors with each floor focused around a specific theme. The students got a chance to go a lot of hands on experiments and explore a wide-variety of scientific concepts and ideas. We really had an amazing time! I have posted a lot of photos below to help bring the trip to light! I want to thank Helen and Mr. Brandt for their help in making this trip possible. The students really had a great time and also did an amazing job of properly representing our school. A Great Experience All Around! 

本周四,我们进行了第一次物理实地考察!学生们有机会参观了青岛最好的科学博物馆——海信探索中心。探索中心分为四层,每层都围绕一个特定的主题。学生们有机会尝试了大量的实验,探索了各种各样的科学概念和想法。学生们真的收获很多!请观看所附照片,了解学生们在这次学习活动中的经历!非常感谢Mr. Brant和杜老师的帮助,使这次学习活动成为可能。 学生们代表我们的学校表现很棒,这是一次非常好的学习活动!

On Friday, the students met Mr. Guan to help them better improve their designs for our upcoming egg drop. We had the chance to ask questions and see what the laser cutter could do up close. They also discussed the materials we are going to use for this event as well. 

本周五,学生们与Mr. Guan老师会面,帮助他们更好地改进了即将进行的鸡蛋降落实验的设计。学生们有机会提出问题,近距离观看激光切割机的操作和工作原理。学生们也讨论了我们将用于本次实验活动的材料。








English Language Arts with Ms. Jia and Ms. Jenn 英语语言文学

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Spring is finally here and students are hard at work studying fiction in the last unit of the year. The Blue Ties are digging in to Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. A mystery is unraveling but so far all we know is that the teachers are hiding something. The Green Ties are reading individual novels so that they can conduct and present a literary analysis that showcases all that they have learned about literature in the last two years. And, in the Red Ties are continuing their study of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, focusing this week on how Shakespeare used language so artfully, and how his choices as a playwright are still relevant today! 


Chinese Studies with Mr. Zhan 中文课




"The Analects of Confucius" said: "make in four directions, do not insult your life, can be described as a scholar." In China's long history, there are many diplomatic envoys shining with brilliance. With their wisdom and courage, they have excellently completed their mission and safeguarded the interests and dignity of the country to the greatest extent. This week, students in Grade 9 learned "Tang Ju fulfils his mission" and met Tang Ju, an outstanding diplomat in Chinese history. First, the students learned about the three styles of Chinese history books: guobie style, chronicle style and biography style. Then the students read the text and perform the reading in different roles. Through this form, students' interest and ability in studying classical Chinese are improved. Next week, students will explore characters and speaking skills.《论语》中说:“使于四方,不辱君命,可谓士矣。”在中国悠久的历史中,有许多外交使者闪耀着光芒,他们以自己的智慧和勇敢出色地完成了自己肩负的使命,最大限度地维护了国家的利益和尊严。本周,9年级的学生学习了《唐雎不辱使命》,结识了中国历史上一位杰出的外交家——唐雎。首先学生们了解了中国史书的三种体例,分别是:国别体、编年体和纪传体。然后学生们研读课文,分角色表演朗读。通过这种形式,提高了学生研读文言文的兴趣和能力。下周,学生们将对人物形象和说话技巧展开赏析探究。

Chinese Literature & Culture with Ms. Emilia  中国文学


10 things to be grateful about





This week, the grade 10th studied the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and the representative Li Bai's classic work "Invitation to Wine", to understand the romantic characteristics of his works. Next week, we will continue to study Du Fu and his poems to feel a completely different poetic meaning. In addition, the students also shared their "Ten little things that I am grateful for" to thank those beautiful people and things in life.


With the AP exams approaching, Grade 11's writing unit is coming to an end. This week we studied the content of arguing, including three main points, three structures, and four main arguing methods. Students apply argumentative writing method to their "social hot spot analysis report", which is a great challenge and improvement to their academic ability and writing ability.

随着Ap 考试的临近,11年级的写作单元也接近尾声。本周我们学习了议论文的内容,包括3个要点,三种结构,以及四种主要论证方法。同学们把议论文的写作方法运用到他们的“社会热点分析报告”文章中,这对他们学术能力和写作能力都是一个巨大的挑战和提升。

University Guidance & TOEFL with Ms. Du 大学升学指导


This week, students watched the "Recommendation Letter" section of the University Talk Workshop organized by College Board. During their watching, I paused several times, asking relevant questions in order to make sure they got all important information. Students were engaged and actively involved.


For G11, it's good news that they all progressed in their college application process. Tony successfully submitted all documents for the application of summer school program in NYU; Zoey got a list of universities which she will apply as well as a document listing all specific requirements for essays in each university; Max had a zoom meeting with the counselor in OTIS college of art and design and got the first hand information about application requirements of GPA, TOEFL, portfolio, personal statement, etc.


In TOEFL classes, these weeks both G9 and G10 are working on listening and writing sections. They paid more attention in class and showed improvement in class participation, note taking, writing ability, etc.


Humanities with Ms. Brauer 人文科学


In World Geography, we watched a film called “Living on One Dollar a Day,” created by college students worried about global poverty. After discussing microloans, the 9th graders explored the Kiva website and decided use Ms. B’s next Kiva loan to enable a woman in the Philippines to build a clean and safe toilet, a thoughtful follow-up on our unit on water and sanitation last semester. 


Our Grade 10/11 historians spent most of this week reviewing, studying for, and finishing their unit test on the Industrial Revolution and WWI, with a focus on analyzing a historical photo and using that as the basis for an analytical essay. Then: Did the Treaty of Versailles plant the seeds of WWII? 


Our AP geographers are studying urban patterns and processes. How well does Christaller’s central place theory explain where cities are located and how big they grow? And do the eight (yes, 8!) urban models we’re studying help us explain urban land use patterns in various parts of the world?  


Mathematics with Mr. Guo 数学课

This week, Grade 10 reviewed trigonometry in the right triangle and then expanded their knowledge into any triangle. They derived the sine rule, cosine rule and area of a triangle formula, then applied these rules in solving problems. They worked out the values of sine, cosine and tangent ratio of angles in all four quadrants using unit circle and reference angle. They worked really well this week.


Grade 9 students reviewed the unit of Statistics and completed a topic test on Thursday. We'll start a new unit next week.


Grade 11 students refreshed their memory of Dividing Polynomials using long division and synthetic division. They used synthetic division and the Remainder Theorem to evaluate polynomials and fundamental theorem of algebra to find the expected number of roots.


Visual Arts with Mr. Brandt 视觉艺术


All students are building momentum with their individual projects. The Painting students have received their stretched canvases and drawing out their beginning designs in pencil.


The Drawing students are continually exploring combinations of different drawing materials that help them realize their designs and self-selected expressions. They will be using mostly paper.


Our Green Tie Henry is pushing the limits of materials by exploring how oil pastels and wax can be melted on a pancake griddle to get a desired effect. Furthermore, Henry is exploring how to capture a precise moment by utilizing slow-motion video.


Meanwhile, Green Tie Katherine has taken the initiative to combine her sewing techniques with her painting. This is illustrated in the photo. These types of individual, high-risk exploration is essential to creativity and is exactly what students at this level need to develop divergent thinking skills. 


Physical and Health Education with Coach Faamamafa 体育


Last Friday we played a game called "The Hunger Game". Students built their ring hut in three teams and tried to protect it from the other teams. The last ring hut to stand wins the game and is allowed to give out "punishment" for the other teams. 


This week, the students started with badminton to sharpen up their skills and practice more with their partner or as individuals. Other boys were working on their basketball skills, such as running some drills, one-on-one and basketball shots. After that, we moved on to frisbee. Students played in teams and worked together to earn points. Students have so much fun when they learn a variety of sports. We finished with some jogging around the gym and stretching just to make sure nobody gets hurt. 




Chemistry with Ms. Jiajia 化学课

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Time flies so fast that AP chemistry test is coming soon next Friday.  This week, AP chemistry students continued to do mock questions by topics. Good newsThanks to all teachers’ support & cooperation, Mr Brandt's and Ms Helen’s help, many Chemistry lessons will be provided for grade 11 chemistry students. That would be very great if students can work hard during extra lessons.

时间飞快,AP化学考试下周五即将到来!这个星期,学生仍然在做模拟试题。好消息!在感谢所有老师的合作支持, Mr Brandt 和 Ms Helen的帮助,下个星期学生会有很多的化学课。希望学生可以好好努力,利用这额外的化学课时间!

Fighting! AP chemistry students!


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Shazikou Dongjiang (Baishan Campus), Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266102


Tel:  +86 532 8881-5655

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Our Affiliations: Qingdao Baishan School Qingdao Amerasia International School Annie Wright Schools Technical support: leixun online