

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年5月21日

Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad. Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all of the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.

Baishan AWS, Qingdao, China 白珊·安妮高中是青岛白珊学校与美国华盛顿州塔科马市的安妮·怀特学校合作,为学生到海外继续学习做好准备的高中项目。每周的周讯是我们分享学生在学校课堂内外有趣学习经历的机会,也是我们致力于与家长和社区进行沟通的很好的工具和证明。   


中国 青岛

From the Director 项目主任总结

This week proves, once again, that while the academic year approaching that teachers and students are still engaged in challenging lessons. Continue reading below about car races, lessons in the warmer Spring air, debate strategies, classic literature from the Qing and Ming Dynasties, migration patterns, and American football. 


Meanwhile, the Advanced Placement students are preparing for and taking their AP Exams. This is a bit unusual this year as several of the students must take these online exams starting at midnight due to College Board's understandable needs. 


International Day 国际日

Baishan AWS is helping to celebrate the many countries around the world and our neighbors at Qingda Amerasia International School's 10th Anniversary. 、


Our program has selected to represent Mexico. 白珊·安妮高中将代表墨西哥参与庆祝活动。

As families should already be aware, all students, their families, and friends are welcome to join the huge event tomorrow, Saturday, May 22nd, from 09:00 - 12:30 p.m. Enjoy the diverse foods, cultural activities, and quizzes all while being entertained by QAIS performances. 

我们诚挚地邀请家长,学生和朋友们参加明天上午(5月22日,星期六)9:00-12:30举行的大型国际日活动。 在观看美亚国际学校精彩表演的同时,享受各种美食和传统文化活动。

Students have received their tickets. Guests should complete the QR code to order a ticket. The tickets will be given to the student who invited the guests. 


Dongying Trip 东营研学活动

Thanks to the very supportive parents and student interests, nearly all students will have a great opportunity to learn about the ecology, landscape, and economy of Dongying. 非常感谢家长们的支持,几乎所有的学生都报名参加了东营研学活动,学生们将有机会实地了解东营的生态环境、景观和经济发展情况。

Students will leave Wednesday morning at 08:00 a.m. Students will begin their tour the delta, including a boat shuttle around 13:30. The students will stay in hotel overnight Wednesday. 下周三上午08:00,学生们将开始黄河三角洲的研学活动。周三下午1:30左右,学生们将乘船观光考察。晚上在当地酒店入住。

Physics with Mr. Richard 物理

This week in Physics, the students continued to work on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration. Considering what the students have already covered, we worked on constructing cardboard racecars that we then raced down the hill in front of our building. The students measured out distances, tracked times, and evaluated their own designs in order to make improvements. If the weather permits, we will spent a bit of time of Friday smoothing out our car designs and then racing them once more. We will then compare the data to that from our original race to determine whether or not the students improvements worked. 


Construction and Discussion 讨论并设计纸板车

Justin's car looks sweet! Justin的车看起来很不错!

Measuring out distances 测量距离 

On your Mark, Get Set, Go!!!! 准备好,开始!!!! 

English Language Arts with Ms. Jia and Ms. Jenn 英语语言文学

The study of reading, writing, and thinking continues apace! Spring weather finally appeared so the ladies took advantage of some much needed outside time. Meanwhile, the Creative Writers gave and got peer feedback on their graphic narratives. In the rest of the ELA classes, students continued to analyze texts, to respond to thought-provoking questions, and to wonder what titles will appear on the upcoming Summer Reading List! 


Chinese Studies with Mr. Zhan 中国文学


This week, grade 9 students had a lot of learning activities in Chinese class. First of all, we studied the classic "Cao GUI debate". This article is selected from the Confucian classic Zuo Zhuan. In the study, the students read aloud and use the notes after class to perceive the full text as a whole, grasp the dialogue between the characters, analyze the image characteristics of Cao GUI and Lu zhuanggong, and then think about the Enlightenment of this article to the current life, that is, when our ability is not enough, how can we successfully counter attack. Secondly, in order to make the next week's Dongying research more meaningful and in-depth, the students completed the "Dongying research strategy" in class on Thursday. The strategy is divided into geographical location, population, history and culture, economic pillar, food and folk customs, etc. Through consulting materials, students have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Dongying City.

Chinese Literature & Culture with Ms. Emilia 中国文学

本周10年级学习了古典文学单元的最后一个部分——明清小说,了解四大名著《三国演义》《水浒》《西游记》和《红楼梦》各自的艺术特色及文学成就,绘制了喜欢的经典人物卡片。这个单元内容较多,通过对本单元知识的再次梳理、复习和测试进行查漏补缺,增加同学们对古代文学作品的理解和把握,提高综合文学素养。 This week, grade 10 studied the last part of the classical literature unit, novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties. They learned about the artistic characteristics and literary achievements of four famous works, such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and a dream of Red Mansions, and drew their favorite classic character cards. This unit has a lot of content and and diffcult. By combing, reviewing and testing the knowledge of this unit again, we can make up for the deficiencies, increase students' understanding and grasp of ancient literary works, and improve their comprehensive literary literacy.


In the AP Chinese class of Grade 11, we learned the skills of the writing in the AP Chinese test and the six levels of distinguishing the writing standards, understood the composition structure and the writing key points of different paragraphs, got familiar with the stylistic characteristics and language expression methods of AP writing, and choose different topics in the past real test to practice, improve their writing ability.

University Guidance & TOEFL with Ms. Du 大学升学辅导&托福

In this week's university guidance class, G10 students were grouped and asked to do research about an American university with their partners. Each group chose one colorful paper and were required to make a university research poster after doing the exploration. The following aspects should be included in their poster:1. Location 2. GPA 3. TOEFL&SAT Requirements 4. Fall Enrolls  5. Most represented Geographic Areas(US/Outside US)  6. Honors/Reputations 7. Best academic areas, etc. 

在本周的大学指导课上,G10学生被分组并被要求和他们的同伴一起选择并对一所美国大学进行调查研究。每个小组选择一张彩色的论文,在完成探索之后,被要求制作一张大学研究海报。它们应包括以下几个方面poster:1. Location 2.GPA 3.托福和SAT要求4.秋季入学5.最具代表性的地理区域(美国/美国以外)6.荣誉/声誉7.最佳学术领域等。

Humanities with Ms. Brauer 人文科学

Our grade 9 geographers are studying migration in China, which has experienced the world’s largest rural to urban migration. We’re studying the hukou system and other efforts to manage the effects of mass migration, and examining impacts on both rural and urban areas. 


Our Grade 10/11 historians are deep into the intrigues and twists and turns of World War 2. The aggressions and betrayals, the deceptions and defeats, and the moral dilemmas and failings that we still struggle to understand.    


Our AP geographers are rolling into an intense review and study period for the AP Exam. We’re balancing a systematic review with extension activities that will allow us to find connections between units and understand the complex themes of human geography more deeply.  


Mathematics with Mr. Guo 数学

Grade 9 students derived the equation of a circle using the its definition. They tried to determine whether a given line is a tangent or a secant of the circle algebraically. We completed the unit on Circle Geometry this week.


Grade 10 students verified the negative angle and cofunction identities in class, and used these identities to simplify trigonometric expressions. Then they combined their previous skills and knowledge of solving equations and trigonometry to solve trigonometric equations.


Grade 11 students are on individual learning schedules this week to prepare for their AP exams. While in class, they worked on an assignment to review the topics covered so far.


Art with Mr. Brandt 艺术

The students have spent this week working on their final Comparative Study artwork, which should combine all of their learning from the past unit.


The deadline for this project is June 3rd. 作品上交的截止日期是6月3日。

Students have also been informed of an art show that will take place during the week of June 14th, which is during the Baishan campus Arts Week. All students will be asked to submit at least one piece to put on display the Art Gallery. 6月14日这一周我们将参加白珊学校举办的艺术周活动。所有学生都被要求提交至少一件作品在艺术周上展出。 

Physical and Health Education with Coach Faamamafa 体育

This week students enjoyed games that help them practise defense and offense in addition to moving and teamwork. Furthermore, we also worked on improving student fitness level by combining different activities. All the activities we did is related to American football as we use the football to run few drills. Afterward, students separated into two teams and played against each other. Play was only interrupted when technical points needed to be addressed. At the end of our class, students sit down and discussed some issues from the whole class that we needed to fix. They left the gym with big smile on their faces and full of excitement. 

本周体育课上,学生们通过游戏练习了防守,进攻,移动和团队合作等能力。同时,我们还结合不同的活动提高了健身水平。本周的课堂活动都与美式足球有关。首先,我们进行了一些跑步训练,之后学生们分成两队,互相比赛,并学习了如何处理比赛中的摩擦,课堂最后我们进行了全班的总结讨论。 学生们在体育课上都得到了很好的放松。

Contact Us 联系我们

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Shazikou Dongjiang (Baishan Campus), Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266102


Tel:  +86 532 8881-5655

Visit us on the web at

Our Affiliations: Qingdao Baishan School Qingdao Amerasia International School Annie Wright Schools Technical support: leixun online