
 BAISHAN AWS WEEKLY UPDATE - November 12, 2021 

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 20211112

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年11月12日(图1)

Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad.  Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all of the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.  

Baishan AWS, 

Qingdao, China  



中国 青岛

From the Director  项目主任总结

Baishan AWS welcomed the cold temperatures this week with enthusiasm.   本周虽然天气寒冷,但白珊·安妮高中的教学热情不减。

All students have received their 2021-2022 Quarter 1 progress reports. The purpose of these reports are to inform both the teacher and student of what changes need to be made to meet expectations. Students are encouraged to explain each class and assessment to their parents. Most grades on this report can change based on how students respond or resubmit their assessments.   所有学生均已收到2021-2022学年第一阶段的进度报告。成绩报告的目的是让教师和学生明确需要做出哪些改变来实现更高的期望。本周末希望学生能向家长解释每门课程的评估报告。成绩报告中的成绩会随着课程的进展,学生的表现和作业的提交随时更新。

I am very proud of how our teachers and students are further increasing the rigor and engagement as the weeks go by. Students are using their evening study times more efficiently thanks to the help of the teachers and more communication channels amongst faculty.  随着时间的推移,老师和学生们进一步提高了教学的严谨性和参与度,我对此感到非常自豪。 教师之间建立了更多的沟通渠道,这将有助于学生们更有效地利用晚自习的学习时间。

On Monday, students heard about the opportunity to create a sailing team that would represent Baishan AWS in the Spring International Top Students Regatta. This was targetted for students, but even our faculty are quite interested in joining. 本周一,学生们了解了国际精英帆船赛赛事,学生们将有机会组队代表白珊·安妮高中参加春季国际顶尖的学生帆船赛。学生们都跃跃欲试,老师们也很有兴趣加入。

Make sure you read next week's Update to read about our Thanksgiving plans.  下期周讯我们会发布感恩节活动的计划,请继续关注。

Upcoming Events即将举行的活动

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Sailing Interests - November 8    118 国际精英帆船赛赛事介绍

We've learned recently that there are some students (and faculty) interested in sailing. In response, we've scheduled a sailing coach to come speak to our students Monday evening at 6 p.m. The purpose of this meeting will be to survey student interest to so we can determine details. 近期我们了解到有一些学生和教师对帆船比较感兴趣。作为回应,我们安排了专业的帆船教练,于下周一晚上6点与我们的学生进行交流。本次讲座的目的是介绍国际精英帆船赛,了解学生们的兴趣,以便我们进一步确定细节。

AP Exam registration - November  15 deadline  AP考试注册  1115日截止

AP students will need to log in to Prometrics to register and pay for AP Exam. Mainland China uses a different system than College Board. AP学生需要登录Prometrics网站注册并支付AP考试费用。中国大陆采用与大学理事会不同的制度。

HSBC Bank visit - November 13, Saturday  1113 周六 汇丰银行实地研学

Baishan AWS students have a chance to get a behind-the-scene look at how banks operate. This is the second part of the Speaker series dedicated to finance.


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Open Day - November 20, Saturday 1120 周六 学校开放日

Baishan AWS will be hosting an Open House for prospective families in the larger community. Consider sharing this opportunity with friends who may be interested in learning more about Baishan AWS. Mr. Silva and Ms. Jenn will provide demonstration lessons for both students and parents. 

白珊·安妮高中将为有兴趣了解白珊·安妮高中课程的家庭举行开放日活动。Mr. Silva老师  Ms. Jenn老师将为学生和家长提供示范课程。

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IB Mathematics AI SL with Ms. Guedes   IB数学

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Making connections between math concepts from previous years and IB-style questions. 将之前所学的数学概念与IB问题联系起来。

This week the students started a unit on Functions. They reviewed different forms of representing equations, and analyzed gradients and intercepts. They made connections between gradient and rate of change and analyzed its application in real-world situations. 本周在IB数学课上,学生们开始学习函数单元。我们先回顾了表示方程的不同形式,并分析了斜率和截距。学生们将斜率和变化率联系起来,并分析了它在现实生活中的应用。

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Geometry and Algebra II with Ms. Guedes    几何和代数II

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William is picking a prize from the Magic Math box.   William 正在从魔法数学盒中挑选奖品

In Geometry the nine-graders completed the unit on Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. They participated in unit review activities where they helped each other with difficult concepts and overcame challenges as a team. 本周在几何课上,九年级的学生完成了平行线和垂直线这一单元。学生们进行了单元复习活动。在这些活动中,学生们 互相帮助,并作为一个团队解决了很多难题。 The Algebra 2 students started a unit on Systems of Linear Equations. In the first lesson they used graphing technology to analyze the properties and the relationships of the equations. Next, they will make connections between their graphs and the algebraic solutions. They looked at real-world data of population and climate and used linear systems to make predictions. 本周在代数2课上,我们开始学习线性方程组。在第一课中,学生们使用绘图工具分析了方程的性质和关系。接下来,学生们学习图和代数解之间的关系。我们还研究了真实世界的人口和气候数据,并使用线性方程进行预测。

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Collaboration and team work are key. 团队合作是关键。

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5 - Together the Geometry students completed the review assignment. 几何课上学生们一起完成复习作业。

AP Art with Mr. Brandt 艺术

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The AP Art students continue to develop the works for their portfolio. The images shown below illustration their strategic approach to analyzing existing colors of selected  subjects. Katherine studied the vivid colors found in sea coral while Max tries to recreate the earthy colors in the Timberland shoes and action figure. AP艺术课上,学生们继续为他们的作品集创作作品。下图展示了学生们分析创作物品现有颜色的战略方法。 Katherine研究了在海珊瑚中发现的生动的颜色,而Max则试图重现Timberland鞋和动作人物中微妙的颜色。

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Max's color studies using illustration markers. Max使用插图标记进行颜色研究。

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Katherine's color studies using watercolor.  Katherine用水彩画进行颜色研究。 

Biology with Mr. Silva 生物

Fun has a positive effect on motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we retain. Learning isnt a one-off event. It requires repetition and dedication. If the experience is fun, learners will stay curious and keep coming back for more.  兴趣是最好的老师。学习的乐趣对学生们学习的动力有积极的影响,它决定了学生能学到什么,学到多少。 学习不是一次性的活动,它需要重复和专注。如果学习体验很有趣,学习者会保持好奇心,并更加深入地探索。

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年11月12日(图13)

Students presented their research about different carbon compounds.学生们展示了他们对不同碳化合物的研究。 

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13 - Students demonstrated their knowledge with 3D molecules models.学生们用3D分子模型展示学到的知识。

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Students formulated hypothesis, variables and prediction while sharpening  important skills in raw data collection with Vernier Graphical Analysis.学生制定假设、变量并进行预测,同时练习通过Vernier 图形分析提高原始数据收集的重要技能。 

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年11月12日(图16)

19 - Solid Carbon dioxide CO2 (Dry ice)  observation is fun too.固体二氧化碳(干冰)观测也很有趣。 

Integrated Sciences with Mr. Silva 科学

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Students worked in the laboratory to refine their procedures and methods. 学生们在实验室操作,不断改进实验的程序和方法。

AP Physics 1  AP物理

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 Conservation Laws -Unit 3   3单元   能量守恒定律


Students were asked to come to the board to solve problem which they did very well. The shooting of sand bag with a bullet problem was discussed. The calculation of recoil speed of gun was taught to the students and with this they also explored that the gun and bullet in case of firing move in opposite direction and got the mathematical proof of why the bullet will be faster and gun will be slower. 学生们在课堂上进行了解决问题的展示,她们表现的非常好。我们讨论了用子弹射击沙袋的问题。 此外,我还向学生们讲授了火炮后坐力速度的计算,并以此探索了火炮和子弹在射击时会朝相反的方向移动,解释了为什么子弹会更快,枪会更慢的数学证明。

Individuals and Societies with Mr. Durbin 人文科学

Exciting week in American History, the colonies declared independence and the students worked through an examination of the Declaration of Independence, primary source investigation.  We worked through the events of the American Revolution and condensed documentary of the events of America's war for independence from English control.  We will spend the next week reviewing Unit 1, Pre-Colonial America through the creation of the USA, before a unit test the following week.  Lots to review, but the students are doing well. 本周在美国历史课上,学生们积极主动,通过对《独立宣言》第一手资料的学习,了解了美国殖民地宣布独立。我们通读了美国革命事件和美国独立战争的浓缩纪录片。在下周进行单元测试之前,我们将花一周的时间复习第一单元,从前殖民地时期的美国到美国的建立。我们要复习的内容很多,但学生们都做得很好。

This week in Social and Cultural Anthropology the students started an inquiry into Supply Chains.  We started with an inquiry into their favorite item and continued by reading international articles about different aspects of supply chains.  They have a first draft of an essay due Monday based upon a research question that they develop and investigate themselves.  This is an important act in getting more comfortable with higher order thinking skills.  This may come at first as a struggle, but in meeting the challenge they will further prepare themselves for moving up the pyramid of self actualization and in preparation for their External Assessments. 本周在在社会和文化人类学中,学生们开始对供应链进行研究。我们从调查学生们最喜欢的商品开始,接着阅读有关供应链不同方面的国际文章。学生们需要在下周一提交一篇论文的初稿,该初稿是基于他们自己开发和调查的一个研究问题,这是提高学生高阶思维能力的重要步骤,起初这对于学生来说可能非常困难,但在迎接挑战的过程中,学生们将进一步准备向自我实现的金字塔进发,并为外部评估做好准备。

English at AWS 英语

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年11月12日(图19)

In ELA this week, Red and Green Ties took a deep dive into grammar review. Red Tie Max taught a lesson on how to form and how to use the passive verb tenses and the Green Ties reviewed using -ing verbs as adjectives and nouns in order to alleviate some common errors that students have been making. Blue Ties started Unit 10.2 Your Voice in the World in which they will examine how authors find their voices and what techniques they use to get readers to pay attention. Students will read a novel in verse--Clap When You Land. At the end of the unit, they will write their own narratives in verse to practice finding their own voices and utilizing figurative language techniques to create deeper meaning. Finally, the Yellow Ties, who contined to study The Lightning Thief while also reading about the American game show "The Price is Right" and considering whether there are real life hero's journeys, ended the week imaginging what modern event the Greek gods could be responsible for and creating a newscast to report the details! 

本周在英语文学课上,红带和绿带学生深入到语法复习中。红带Max学习了被动语态的结构和使用,绿带学生学习了动词的ing形式来作形容词和名词的使用,以减少在写作中经常出现的错误。蓝带10年级学生本周开始了第二单元的学习,主题是你在世界上的声音,学生们将研究作者们是如何形成自己的想法,以及他们使用什么技巧来吸引读者的注意力。学生们将读一本诗篇小说——Clap When You Land。在本单元结束时,学生们将用韵文撰写自己的诗篇,练习表达自己的想法,并运用修辞语言技巧来使作品更加深刻。最后,黄带9年级的学生继续学习The Lightning Thief ,同时还阅读了美国游戏节目The Price is Right,并考虑真实生活中是否有真正的英雄之旅,在本周结束时,学生们想象了希腊诸神可能要为现代什么事件负责,并制作了一个新闻广播来报道细节! 

Music with Ms. Gan 音乐

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Featuring Jay and Bob the star of the week. Both of them have collaborate to rewrite a Chinese lyrics from English. The title of the song is Love Shone Down. Below are the lyrics they have written in Chinese.  Jay  Bob是本周音乐课上的主角,他们俩人改写了一首英文歌曲。这首歌的标题是Love Shone Down。下面是他们用中文写的歌词。






哦爱闪耀着, 跨越了山丘,跨越了小镇 








Attach is also the video the students are singing and preparing for the performance in January. Love Shone Down Singing Video 所附视频是学生们正在练习歌曲,为一月份的表演做准备。

PE and Fitness with Coach López 体育健身

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年11月12日(图21)

This week the students worked at the gym and in their classroom. The focus continues to be using technology to improve their performance. The students have completed a written assignment that will help them reflect and analyze their basketball skills while comparing it with others. The students have put extra time outside of school hours to do their own research, identifying useful information online.  本周的体育课在室内体育馆和教室进行。本周学生们练习的重点仍是使用技术来提高自己的篮球技能。此外,学生还在教室里完成了一项书面作业,这将帮助他们反思和分析自己的篮球技能,同时与其他人进行比较。学生们在课余时间还 通过网络做了调研。

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Apart from that, AWS is getting ready to take part in a series of invasion sports' games that will take place during PE lessons, and will include a collaboration with MYP students from Amerasia. In these series of competitive games the students will have a chance to demonstrate and apply all the skills learned so far, while enjoying the benefits of vigorous physical activity.  除此之外,白珊·安妮高中正在准备参加一系列的体育竞技活动,这些比赛将在体育课期间举行,其中包括与美亚国际学校的中学生一起合作。在这一系列的竞争性游戏中,学生们将有机会展示和应用到目前为止学到的所有技能,同时享受体育运动带来的好处。

Chinese Literature & Culture with Ms. Emilia  中国文学

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年11月12日(图23)

       中国文化课上,同学们分组讲解了庄子的《故事二则》,体会庄子追求精神绝对自由和自然无为的道家思想,感受其文学语言的幽默风趣,灵活多变和深刻哲理性。同学们结合自身的经历,分享了对儒家和道家不同的看法,以及这两种思想派别对个体和社会的影响。In Chinese culture class, the students explained Zhuangzi's two stories in groups, experienced Zhuangzi's Taoist thought of pursuing absolute spiritual freedom and natural inaction, and felt the humor, flexibility and profound philosophy of his literary language. Based on their own experience, the students shared their different views on Confucianism and Taoism, as well as the impact of these two ideological factions on individuals and society.

       话剧《茶馆》作为戏剧文本,不仅有文学性还有艺术性。DP中文课的同学们,本周学习了戏剧这一文体的主要特点,结构形式,以及艺术表现手法,理解了戏剧是文学和音乐、表演等艺术相融合的一种文学作品,丰富了文学知识,提高了文学鉴赏能力。As a dramatic text, the drama Teahouse is not only literary but also artistic. The students of DP Chinese class learned the main characteristics, structural forms and artistic expression methods of drama this week, and understood that drama is a literary work integrating literature, music, performance and other arts, which enrich the students' literary knowledge and improve literary appreciation ability.


白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年11月12日(图24)

Our Affiliations: Qingdao Baishan School Qingdao Amerasia International School Annie Wright Schools Technical support: leixun online