

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021123

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年12月3日(图1)

Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad.  Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all of the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.  

Baishan AWS, 

Qingdao, China  



中国 青岛

From the Director  项目主任总结

Our school has quickly transitioned from Thanksgiving to Christmas this past week. The tree is up, the stockings are hanging, and the wreaths can be seen from the street.

 在过去一周里,校园里的氛围很快从感恩节过渡到了圣诞节。 我们装饰了圣诞树,挂上了圣诞袜,还在教学楼外面挂上了圣诞花环。

Our Music instructor, Deborah Gan, is preparing the students for caroling and the end-of-the-semester performance. You will also read in this edition of the Weekly Update in Sway that all teachers are continuing with rigorous lessons.

我们的音乐老师Deborah Gan老师正在带领学生们为演唱圣诞颂歌和学期末的表演做准备。您也可以从本期周讯中读到所有的教师都在继续进行严格的教学。

Geometry students continue to apply the theoretical knowledge to real-life situations. Science students learn how the concepts in molecular biology can be applied to the cooking oils in the kitchen. Physics students presented their understandings of the Law of Conservation of linear momentum.


Students in Humanities prepare for their next lessons regarding two important theories in Anthropology.  The 11th Grade Green Tie students daringly read about the important experiences of teenagers living with parents.


Opportunity to Sail 帆船活动 

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The very last lesson of the day was a free lesson about sailing offered by . Students had the option to stay for the entire lesson or leave at the end of the school day. We are proud to be able to offer this opportunity for those who are interested. I'd like to personally thank our partner school Annie Wright Schools, Tacoma for offering to purchase the very expensive cloth sail that will be 本周最后一堂课是一节免费的帆船课。学生们可以自由选择。我们非常高兴能为感兴趣的学生提供这个机会。非常感谢美国塔科马安妮怀特学校(Annie Wright Schools)为我们赞助的参赛布帆。

Upcoming Events即将举行的活动

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Caroling  - December 17     1217日圣诞颂歌活动

In the spirit of the season, all students and faculty are invited to join in a carolling activity December 17 during Music class when they will sing seasonal songs as visit throughout campus. 随着圣诞节的来临,所有的学生和教师都被邀请参加1217日音乐课上的圣诞颂歌活动。 

Christmas Sweaters - December 17   1217日圣诞毛衣日

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One of the newer traditions is to wear a very tacky or spirited Winter sweater/jumper during the Holiday season Baishan AWS students and faculty are encouraged to find and wear a very Seasonal Christmas jumper on this day.


TOEFL Junior - December 26  1226 托福初级考试

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As another indicator of how Baishan AWS is an established part of the educational community, we will be hosting the TOEFL Junior exam. This exam will take place on Sunday, December 26.  Please contact for more information about signing up. 

作为致力于教育社区的另一项证明,白珊·安妮高中将主办托福初级考试。这次考试将于1226日星期日举行。请点击链接 了解注册的详细信息。

IB Mathematics AI SL with Ms. Guedes   IB数学

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Looking at real-life situations as math problems. 将现实生活中的问题与数学结合起来。

This week students explored linear modelling. They look at how real-life situations can be reviewed as functions and how we interpret rate of change in mathematics. One of the activities was matching situations with graphs. Then, the students proceeded to creating and analyzing their own functions. 本周在IB数学课上,学生们探索了线性模型。我们着眼于如何将现实生活中的情况视为函数,以及如何解释数学中的变化率。课堂活动的其中一项是将现实情况与图表相匹配,随后,学生们开始创建和分析自己的函数。

Geometry and Algebra II with Ms. Guedes    几何和代数II

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The Algebra II students completed the unit on Linear Systems of Equations. They started with simple equations and at the end of the unit they worked with three-dimensional graphs and matrices. Technology was their good friend, as they were using graphing calculators and 3D-graphing software to review their work and confirm their answers.


In Geometry we contunued discussing how to recognize and utilize congruent triangles. The students also reviewed the properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles.  在几何课上,本周我们继续讨论了如何识别和利用全等三角形。学生们还复习了等腰三角形和等边三角形的性质。

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Analyzing linear inequalities. 分析线性不等式

AP Art with Mr. Brandt AP艺术

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The AP Art students are continuing to apply their investigations to their artworks. One student continues to create works that document his time in quarantine.     


Our Fashion design student is applying the different clothes to her intentions to se how the look together. 


Biology with Mr. Silva 生物

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Student photography in the microscope while observing starch granulates in potatoes slides. 学生在显微镜下观察马铃薯载玻片中的淀粉颗粒时拍下的照片。

This week in IBDP Biology, students tested their understanding about edible cooking oil, lipids, amino acids and proteins. We are navigating on Molecular Biology while developing the Internal Assessment skills with investigations and practical work.   本周在IBDP生物课上,学生们检测了他们对食用油、脂类、氨基酸和蛋白质的理解。我们正在导入学习分子生物学,同时通过观察和实验来培养学生参加IB内部评估的技能。

Integrated Sciences with Mr. Silva 科学

白珊·安妮高中周讯  - 2021年12月3日(图12)

Students presented their Summative research about Chemical reactions. 学生们展示了关于化学反应的总结性研究报告。

This week we finished our Chemistry unit in the Integrated Science course and now we are moving into Biology section of the school year. Our student learning center approach give opportunity for students to master content and develop important soft skills. Verbally explaining a concept really does help you to better grasp it, according to work by psychologists at the University of California at Berkeley. 本周在科学课上,我们完成了综合科学课程中的化学单元,开始学习生物部分。以学生为中心的教学方法为学生提供了掌握学习内容和提高学习技能的机会。加州大学伯克利分校心理学家的研究发现,口头解释一个概念确实有助于更好地理解。

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AP Physics 1 with Mr. Rizwan   AP物理1

This week the Unit 3 was concluded. The real life applications for the laws of conservation of Energy and Momentum were discussed. The energy cycle on earth was debated with students. A very good response from students was seen. 本周在AP物理1课上,我们结束了第3单元,讨论了能量守恒定律和动量守恒定律的实际应用。学生们讨论了地球上的能量循环,学生们的表现不错。

Individuals and Societies with Mr. Durbin 人文科学

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Great week back from the Thanksgiving long holiday weekend!


In Social and Cultural Anthropology we investigated the Key Concept of Identity through an inquiry into the origins of gender.  We read about gender in language, history, and in social relations in some anthropological articles then discussed them at length in a Socratic Seminar.  Next week we will use this developed knowledge to examine two theories important to Anthropology, Holism and Reductionism.  The students will complete an essay to make connections between gender identification through Holistic and Reductionist perspectives.   


In SCA we also examined IB Grade Descriptors and looked at an External Assessment Markscheme and a paper graded through that Markscheme.  These activities will help the students better understand the skills they are expected to develop by the spring of 2023 to prepare to take their External Assessment. 


In American History, we started looking at the growth of America.  We focused on the aftermath of the Revolutionary War and the first attempt at forming a confederation government.  Students prepared for a role play of the Constitutional Convention which created the government which still exists in America today.  Next week they will take on the roles of various parties with distinct interests and experience what it could have been like to have been a part of the writing of the American Constitution.   


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Students preparing for their role play reading about the problems of the Articles of Confederation. 学生们正在准备角色扮演,阅读联邦条款的有关问题。

English at AWS 英语

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Students got into the holiday spirit this week by helping to decorate classrooms and common areas. In class, the Yellow Ties worked on their first significant writing assignment of the year, taking on the persona of a fictional character and writing journal entries in response to the things that happen to them, Blue Ties dove deep into analysis of poetry in Clap When You Land, examining how the author uses figurative language, sound, and form to communicate character and theme; Green Ties began their second DP unit, which will focus on the theme of experiences, by reading about how teenagers and parents experience living together and writing a set of guidelines for how parents can relate to their teenagers; and Red Tie Max completed a unit about cultural conflict by writing an argument and participating in an extended discussion about the novel The Wasted Vigil 本周学生们利用课余时间帮助我们装饰了教室和公共区域,融入了节日的氛围。在英语文学课上,黄带9年级的学生完成了他们本学年的第一个重要写作任务,选择小说中的一个人物角色,并根据发生在他们身上的事件撰写日志。蓝带10年级的学生深入分析了 Clap When You Land这部作品中的诗,研究了作者如何使用修辞手法、声音,以及表达人物和主题的形式;绿带11年的的学生开始了第二个DP单元,该单元将以体验为主题,通过阅读青少年和父母如何经历共同生活的文章,编写一套父母如何与青少年相处的指南;红带Max完成了关于文化冲突的单元,写了一篇论证文章,并进行了一场关于小说The Wasted Vigil的深刻讨论。

Music with Ms. Gan 音乐

This week we are practicing for the caroling event on 17th of December. Christmas caroling is part of the tradition for AWS, in Tacoma.  本周音乐课上,我们为1217日即将举办的圣诞颂歌活动进行了排练。圣诞颂歌是美国塔科马安妮怀特学校传统的一部分。

The songs we are practicing consist of Gloria, in Excelsis Deo, Silent Night, Last Christmas and Feliz Navidad. Lyrics are found in AWS Music ensemble teams.  我们正在练习的歌曲包括《格洛丽亚》、《伊克塞尔西斯·迪奥》、《平安夜》、《去年圣诞节》和《费利兹·纳维达》。歌词已经上传到音乐合唱课的Teams中。

PE and Fitness with Coach López 体育健身

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The Grades 11 and 12 attending Fitness continued working on achieving their personal goals, both of our students targeted their upper body muscles this week during their weight room sessions.  本周在健身课上,11年级和12年级的学生继续努力实现他们的个人目标,两名同学本周集中对上半身肌肉进行了力量训练 

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The Grades 9 and 10 finished this week their Basketball Unit. They were assessed on their Knowledge, by taking part in a Unit quiz, in which they performed pretty well. They were assessed on their basic basketball Skills, by participating in a series of drills that challenged their dribbling, passing, and shooting abilities.  本周在体育课上,9年级和10年级的学生进行了篮球单元的评估。 单元检测既包括学生们对篮球知识掌握程度的评估,也包括一系列基本篮球技能,如运球、传球和投篮能力的评估,学生们在单元测验中表现不错。

Chinese Literature & Culture with Ms. Emilia  中国文学

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进入12月,中国文化课的学生们也开始了本学期最后一个单元的学习,研究探讨关于中国古代教育的内容,包括古代教育的形成和发展,不同历史时期的教育形式和特点,古代的教学内容,以及科举考试制度。同学们通过学习拓展学习古今中外不同教育的特质,结合当今教育现状,发现教育中存在的问题,构建一个理想的教育模式,更全面深入地理解的教育的本质和价值。From this week,the students of Chinese culture class began to study the last unit of this semester, studying and discussing the contents of ancient Chinese education, including the formation and development of ancient education, educational forms and characteristics in different historical periods, ancient teaching contents, and the imperial examination system. Through learning, students expand and learn the characteristics of different education at all times, at home and abroad, combined with the current educational situation, find the problems existing in education, build an ideal educational model, and have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the essence and value of education.


The students of DP Chinese class began to learn Yu Hua's novel "the story of Xu Sanguan selling blood" from last week. Students perceive and learn from the characteristics of the writer's works, the stylistic characteristics of the novel, the main characters in the novel, the plot, the writing background and the writing theme. Through the explanation and discussion of different topics, improve the ability of analysis, discussion and expression.

Contact Us 联系我们

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Our Affiliations: Qingdao Baishan School Qingdao Amerasia International School Annie Wright Schools Technical support: leixun online