Baishan AWS Weekly – Sep. 18, 2020


Baishan AWS Weekly Update – September 18, 2020


Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad. Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all of the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.


Baishan AWS, Qingdao, China



From the Director

Walking through the halls and around campus has been a true joy this past week. Teachers have been very complimentary of the students' engagement in their lessons. I have seen students working more with each other in English Language Arts classes. I have seen many of our students voluntarily going to get extra Math advice during Get Wright Time. Students have also demonstrated their understanding of physics and the universe by making dioramas in the art studio.


As a guest in World Geography, I witnessed students working together to know how to select map styles and making convincing presentations.

Having students and teachers in quality, predictably good daily learning routines, as stated, has been a very rewarding experience. Credit goes to all of our Gators -- students, teachers, and parents!


-- Lorne Brandt,

Program Director



Mathematics with Mr. Guo


Grade 10 focused on Linear Algebra this week. They tried to graph linear equations, inequalities and absolute value functions. Students learned different forms of linear functions and the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines.


Grade 11 started a new chapter on Exponential and Logarithm Functions. We discussed the application of exponential model in our life, such as the population growth or the growth of an investment that earns compound interest. We compared graphs of an exponential function and the COVID-19 cases growth and tried to understand the meaning of "flatten the curve".


Grade 9 reviewed congruent figures and proof of congruent triangles. Writing geometric proof in English presented a small challenge to all the students. They worked well in class, hopefully, their skills will improve in the coming weeks.


Almost ten students signed up for the Australian Mathematics Competition, which will take place on September 26. Good Luck!


English Language Arts with Ms. Jia and Ms. Roth


As usual, we did a lot of reading and writing this week in English class! ELA 9 spent the week reviewing Percy Jackson's hero's journey so far and practicing using evidence from the text to support our ideas. In ELA 10, we continued reading I Will Always Write Back memoir about two students who became pen pals. We ended the week with our first ever Socratic Seminar, run entirely by the students. ELA 11 also spent time on the hero's journey this week, comparing two hero myths from different cultures to examine similarities and differences.


Physical and Health Education with Coach Faamamafa


We continue to work on our volleyball skills and get them to play against each other. They can pass and serve the ball over the net. This week we also focus on our full body fitness techniques of different exercises before we do our fitness test in the next three weeks.


We will be covering running, pushups, high jump and long jump, curl ups, burpees and else. These are basic figure of training that we need to master in our class to help the students to loss weights and get healthier.


Chemistry with Ms. Jiajia


In this week, our Grade 11 scientists they completed the rest of atomic structure- Electromagnetic radiation & spectrum and Emission & Absorption spectrum of hydrogen.


They could describe the relationship between color, wavelength, frequency and energy across the electromagnetic spectrum, distinct between a continuous spectrum and a line spectrum, describe the emission spectrum of the hydrogen atom, including the relationships between the lines and energy transitions to the first, second and third energy levels (involved with Paschen, Balmer and Layman series).


Also, they could apply what they learned to explain phenomenas in our daily life such as why and how fireworks can be colorful, understand absorption and emission spectra are widely used in astronomy to analyse light from stars.


Physics with Mr. Kytle


This week we have begun to create models of the Solar System. When the students finish designing their Models, we will begin to transition into our new Unit on Scale and Patterns. Tomorrow the students will finalize their dioramas and then examine the actually sizes and dimensions of the Solar System and compare and contrast their models to the real Solar System.


Students are examining the distances and characteristics of the different planets.


Creating the Solar System, the students used Styrofoam Balls and wooden sticks to create an impression of the Solar System.



Humanities with Ms. Brauer


Our geographers in Grade 9 are tackling their first analytical project, comparing three different world map projections, deciding which is the best, and then supporting this claim with evidence.


Our historians have studied the ways in which Alexander the Great was great – and not so great – and our study of ancient Greek civilization is coming to a close. But Rome is rising! 


And in AP Human Geography, we’re analyzing data at various scales, comparing environmental determinism and possibilism, and reviewing foundational concepts for our Unit 1 exam next week.    


Visual Arts with Mr. Brandt


The 9th Grade Drawing students have created their unique paper surface and have started on their final summative unit project. They have freedom to choose the subject matter, but must apply the full range of values. Emphasis was placed on drawing from direct observation and personal items.


The Painting students continue to apply their skills learned last year to paint and have also started their final artwork -- a still life of their choosing.


A worksheet that challenges to the students to learn the art-specific terminology and apply the range of values in different methods.


Chinese Language with Ms. Zheng 

The Chinese civilization has a long history and is broad and profound. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and the longest lasting civilization in the world. This week, the 10th grade students learned about the contributions of the ancestors such as Fuxi, Shennong and Huangdi from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and traced their roots. They explored the origin of the Chinese civilization and learned the culture of Chinese surnames through the 5,000-year historical timeline. They shared the origin stories of their respective surnames, and experienced the cultural characteristics of the Chinese civilization that began in matrilineal clan society and sprouted in different regions such as the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.


This week, in the 11th grade AP Chinese class, I learned the pronouns, numerals and quantifiers in parts of speech, and understood the classification and grammatical functions of each word category, as well as common problems in use. The students also launched the activities of "Challenge not to use pronouns for 24 hours" and "Challenge to not use quantifiers for 24 hours" activities. By observing the language use in real life, they realized the function and importance of pronouns and quantifiers. In addition, we can understand the beauty, similarities and differences of the usage of quantifiers in ancient and modern times by studying ancient poems and imitating ancient poems.


Chinese Studies with Mr. Zhan


当一个人失意的时候,他应该怎么做?本周九年级学生学习了中国传统名篇——欧阳修的《醉翁亭记》。同学们认真读文章,做笔记。作者崇高的思想情操感动了学生们。 下面就来看看同学们的学习心得吧。












University Guidance with Ms. Du


Starting from this week, students have joined the journey to explore how to choose major in college or university. In this class, students are firstly required to explore " who they are " in terms of values, personality, interests, talents, etc., which can provide some reference to the deeper thoughts about their major choice. Based on the observation, most of the students failed to read their own minds and need more time to figure it out. Next week, students will get to know “career cluster", and take an interesting psychological test to find the suitable areas and majors for themselves.


Contact Us


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Shazikou Dongjiang (Baishan Campus), Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266102

Tel:  +86 88815655

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Our Affiliations: Qingdao Baishan School Qingdao Amerasia International School Annie Wright Schools Technical support: leixun online