Applying to Baishan AWS can be quick and easy. Admission into the program can be done on a rolling basis, meaning anytime throughout the year. 

The most important first step is to contact our Admissions team by Claire Wen  at 18853259168 or emailing 

The team will arrange a time for you to come to campus and see our facilities and learn about our unique program. 

Applying includes 

· Campus tour 

· Online English language assessment 

· A short, written essay

· Grade transcripts 

· An interview 

All candidates will receive a letter explaining the results of the online English language assessment.  

Successful candidates will need to provide the school with…

· official transcripts from the prior school

· Passport-sized photographs

· Passport or citizen ID card

· Medical records 

Before official enrollment, families will need to… 

· Sign the enrollment agreement

· Sign the student handbook

· Pay a deposit within 2 weeks of the Admission Offer letter

· Submit a non-refundable payment to Annie Wright Schools, Tacoma

Admissions Criteria 

      Admission will be granted on a rolling basis.  Applications will be evaluated, and admission granted as they are received.  Students will be granted admission based on their potential to be academically successful and contribute to school curricular and extra-curricular programming.  In the event a grade level is at capacity, students will be placed on a waiting list.  Students will be selected from the waiting list based on the same admissions criteria.  


English Fluency

      Lessons are delivered in English, except for Chinese Language and Culture classes. As such, students will need a basic level of English proficiency. Students applying to Baishan AWS must complete an English assessment to determine their level of fluency in English. The school intends to maintain an environment where English is the primary language and preference will be given to those students who are most functional or have the greatest potential to be functional in English at the appropriate grade level. Students will be expected to speak only English during the school day and at all Baishan Annie Wright School sponsored activities.   


Retraction of Admissions

      Baishan Annie Wright School reserves the right to retract admissions if any information would be provided to the program which would have negatively impacted the initial admission decision.   

如何申请(图1)Now complete the Application Form.

Our Affiliations: Qingdao Baishan School Qingdao Amerasia International School Annie Wright Schools Technical support: leixun online