

白珊·安妮高中周讯 20201023

Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad.  Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.

Baishan AWS, Qingdao, China  白珊·安妮高中是青岛白珊学校与美国华盛顿州塔科马市的安妮·怀特学校合作,为学生到海外继续学习做好准备的高中项目。每周的周讯是我们分享学生在学校课堂内外有趣学习经历的机会,也是我们致力于与家长和社区进行沟通的很好的工具和证明。   


中国 青岛 

From the Director  项目主任总结

1 - Blue Tie Tracy helps with recording statistics of the high jump event 蓝领结Tracy协助记录跳高比赛成绩

2 - Green Tie Alex helps with recording statistics. 绿领带Alex协助记录比赛成绩

3 - Red Ties Tony and Max support the high jump events. 红领带Tony志愿协助组织跳高比赛

Parent-teacher Conferences 家长-教师见面会

These past two weeks have been filled with many events.  I want to thank all the parents for attending last week's parent-teacher conferences.  Quarter 1 progress reports have been printed and explained.   The annual Sports Day was also a success.



We had 100% attendance from all parents, including virtual meetings.  I have no doubt that all students understand that parents and educators are working together to help provide them with what they need to become successful students.  All students and parents received detailed comments from teachers in the printed progress reports.  Teachers were also able to answer questions specific to how the individual students can improve. 

非常高兴我们所有的家长都按时参加了家长会,尽管有的家长不能到校,我们也进行了网络视频会议 。我毫不怀疑,所有的学生都明白,家长和老师们正在共同努力为他们提供成为成功学生所需的一切。在第一阶段的成绩报告中,所有的学生和家长们都收到了老师们的详细评论,老师们也对每个学生的进步和提高给出了针对性的建议。 

In addition to meeting with the families during parent-teacher day, I have also met individually with students who are performing poorly in classes to plan strategies for improving their academic performances.  While most of our students are performing well in classes, we have used data from the Quarter 1 progress reports to target students who need additional assistance in specific courses.


Sports Day 秋季运动会

I could not be more proud of how our students supported the younger students with their athletic events.  Thanks to the organization of Ms. Helen Du, AWS students were able to learn how sports offer opportunities to help with citizenship and teamwork.  Several of the students were also successful in their athletic events, including running, relay runs, and ball toss.


Language Assessments 英语水平测试

All students completed another Oxford language assessment this past week.  These updated results provide the school with detailed information regarding the students' English reading and listening levels.  Having these data will help us provide level-appropriate instruction and targets.  The next assessment is scheduled for the 3rd quarter.


-- Lorne Brandt, Program Director

罗恩·布兰特  白珊·安妮高中项目主任

4 - Red Tie Billy lining up students for the high jump event. 红领带Billy组织跳高学生列队

5 - Green Ties Alex and Jordan helping with long jump event.绿领带Alex Jordan 协助测量跳远比赛数据

6 - Green Ties Henry, Victoria, and Livia helping with the long jump event. 绿领带Henry, Victoria, and Livia协助组织跳远比赛

Mathematics with Mr. Guo 数学

Grade 9 started a new unit on Quadratic Equations. They learned to solve quadratic equations by taking the square root, factoring, completing the square and quadratic formula. Students seem to like Algebra better than Geometry.


Grade 10 started a new unit on Complex numbers. They can identify, graph, and perform operations with complex numbers. They also learned to find complex number solutions of quadratic equations. Students have a basic understanding of complex numbers after this week.


Grade 11 students worked on their assignment on Fitting Exponential and Power Curves to Data. They learned how to enter the data into their graphic calculator, use semi-log and log-log plot to determine the best model for the data and then use the model to predict future behavior. It has been a busy and enriching week for them.


English Language Arts with Ms. Jia and Ms. Jenn 英语语言文学

In every grade level this week, students are working through the writing process, using the Writer's Workshop model. Students read and analyze mentor texts, brainstorm for ideas, plan their writing, and write rough drafts that are submitted for peer and teacher feedback. By Monday, all students will have published their first major text. Ninth graders are writing character journals, tenth graders are writing personal narratives or personal essays, and eleventh graders are writing myths or hero's journey narratives that mirror their own lives. The feedback that students give and receive in the Writer's Workshop helps them find ways to improve their writing skills and to find their own voices.

本周各个年级的英语文学课都进入了写作周,学生们重点学习了英文写作的步骤。学生们通过阅读和分析老师的材料,集思广益,制定写作计划,并撰写了草稿提交给学校和老师进行反馈。下周一 所有的学生都将完成英语文学课上第一篇重要的文章写作。九年级的学生正在写人物札记,十年级的学生在写个人故事或个人评论,而十一年级的学生则正在写反映自己生活的神话故事或英雄历程。学生们在写作周中给予和接受的反馈将有助于他们提高写作技能和表达自己的观点和声音。

Physical and Health Education with Coach Faamamafa 体育

From last week to this week, we working on our running techniques and fitness skills including  to be able to join our sport meeting day last Friday. This week we played badminton one on one and two on two. Students be able to practice their skills, team building and compete each other. The other group of boys were playing basketball and practice their throwing skills focus more way for everyone to have fun and develop their skills in different sports. 

上周和本周的体育课致力于提高学生们的跑步和健身技巧。上周五学生们参加了秋季运动会。 本周我们还进行了羽毛球单打和双打的训练。学生们可以互相练习,互相竞争。很多男生进行了篮球训练,练习投掷技术,体育课上我将更注重每个学生在不同运动中的乐趣和发展技能。

Physics with Mr. Kytle 物理

This week the students have been focusing there efforts inward. We have taken Scope to the atomic level where students are beginning to see the patterns that exist in all things. All matter is made up of atoms. The students are examining the different components of atoms and looking at how different atoms combine to create new compounds with unique properties. These molecules and compounds then scale up as they combine to create the Universe as we see it.

本周在物理课上,学生们集中学习了原子水平的内部结构,了解了所有事物存在的模式。所有物质都是由原子组成的。学生们正在研究原子的不同组成部分,并研究不同的原子如何结合形成具有独特性质的新化合物。当这些分子和化合物结合在一起时,就形成了我们所看到的宇宙 。


Chemistry with Ms. Jiajia 化学

In this week, Grade 11 students carried out an experiment-flame test. They worked in pairs and investigated what colors will be seen by burning ionic compounds with different metal ions. They showed their collaborative, inquiring and practical skills during lab period. They explained why the fireworks show beautiful colors due to emission spectrum of atoms. Then students made a deeper researching and learning about moles and molar mass. They solved the complex questions based on their math knowledges.


Humanities with Ms. Brauer 人文科学

How did our planet take shape? Whats beneath our feet, deep in the core of the earth? Why are the continents located where they are today? Our Grade 9 geographers are studying the layers of the earth and plate tectonics, and created clay models this week to explain what happens at each type of plate boundary.


How did the mighty Roman empire falter and fall apart? Is this cycle from conquest to consolidation, conflict, and collapse typical of other empires? Our Historians can answer these questions now, and were beginning our shift from the Romans to the Han Dynasty by building giant timelines to keep everything in context.


Our AP Geographers have shifted their focus from population demographics to migration. Why do people leave their homes and move? And what impact does this have at varied scales of inquiry on our planet, on our nations, on our rural and urban areas?


Chinese Language with Ms. Zheng 中国文学


In the class of Chinese culture, the students completed the first project of this semester, the origin of Chinese culture. By constructing a logical framework, collecting and integrating materials, the research project is integrated and unified. Then each student explained and displayed his/her research results with others. Some students introduced Huangdi and Yandi, the ancestors of Chinese civilization, while others explained the differences and characteristics of matriarchal clan society and paternal clan society. Project research is a challenging task, which requires logical analysis, comparative integration and inquiry ability. I'm glad that the students have completed this project well.


In the AP language and culture class of Grade 11, students continue to learn the preposition, the function word part of the part of speech. We have learned the concept, grammatical features and grammatical functions of prepositions, compared and analyzed the commonly used fallible words, so as to achieve the application and mastery of prepositions. Meanwhile, their project on vocabulary will be completed this week. Let's look forward to the presentation  of their research results next week.

Visual Arts with Mr. Brandt 视觉艺术

The Blue Tie 9th grade Drawing students are finished with their technical studies and practice assignments and are finishing their still life drawings using charcoal and pencil.  They are demonstrating their understandings of value and compositional strategies.  These will be complete Thursday of next week so make sure you read next week's update for photographs of their completed works.


The Green and Red Tie 10th and 11th grade students have started a new unit that will challenge them to become familiar with the Precisionist art movement.  Students will select and research an influential artist from this movement and analyze the elements of art.  They will apply this style to their chosen subject matter.  Their research slides are due Tuesday, October 27th.


The example below by the famous Precisionist artist Charles Demuth illustrates the style. 著名的精确主义艺术家Charles Demuth在下述图片中展示了这种创作风格。

7 - Famous Precisionist artist Charles Demuth, Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (1928), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 著名的精确主义艺术家Charles Demuth在纽约大都会艺术博物馆的作品Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (1928)

8 - Red Tie Max R. is creating larger artworks in his Advance Painting class.  红领带Max R正在高级艺术课上创作更大的艺术作品

9 - Blue Tie 9th Grade students begin their final artwork. 9年级蓝领带学生开始创作本单元要提交的作品

Several Green and Red Ties were also given the opportunity to help prepare and paint foam "stones" that will be used in a QAIS drama production.   几个绿领带和红领带学生正在帮助准备和粉刷一些泡沫石头",这些作品将被用于美亚国际学校的戏剧表演。

ARABIC 10 - Green Tie Jay helps convert a foam piece into a stone. 绿领带学生Jay正在把一块泡沫转变成石头的样子

Chinese Studies with Mr. Zhan 中国文学


This week, grade 9 students began to learn Chinese classical vernacular novels. First of all, students learn the wonderful segment Seizure of Birthday Gift Shipment by Trickery" in "outlaws of the marsh". The students were divided into four groups and explored the characters, environment, plot and language style of classical vernacular novels on the basis of reading the full text. Through the exploration and sharing, the students have a preliminary grasp of the plot of the "double clues" characteristics, the character characteristics and the environmental description in the text play a role in promoting. In addition, the topic of "the influence of character's character on the success or failure of things" is deeply discussed and inspired.

University Guidance with Ms. Du 美国大学升学指导课

After two weeks preparation and real test of PSAT, we moved back to the topic : How to Choose Major in College/University. Firstly, students reviewed the result of last survey they did in class and confirmed their potential major areas. Then students were given a worksheet to do career-interest matching based on career clusters. We talked about features of each cluster and students tried to give examples of each category. The other important thing for this week is to let students know how to use the professional and official website to explore specific careers. Within one cluster, there are hundreds of careers to choose, some of which students have never heard of before. They can filter careers based on their interests and capabilities. And assignments for this week are 1)Find one career that you are most interested in 2)Search for one career that you have never heard before. Please get ready for sharing next week.


Contact Us 联系我们

Please feel free to contact us! 如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系!


Shazikou Dongjiang (Baishan Campus), Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266102


Tel:  +86 532 8881-5655

Visit us on the web at

Our Affiliations: Qingdao Baishan School Qingdao Amerasia International School Annie Wright Schools Technical support: leixun online