白珊·安妮高中周讯 2020年11月20日
Baishan AWS is partnered with Annie Wright Schools (AWS) in Tacoma, Washington and prepares students for higher education abroad. Our Weekly Update is an opportunity for us to share all of the great learning experiences that take place both in and outside of our classroom, and is a testament to our commitment to communication with our parents as well as the community.
Baishan AWS, Qingdao, China 白珊·安妮高中是青岛白珊学校与美国华盛顿州塔科马市的安妮·怀特学校合作,为学生到海外继续学习做好准备的高中项目。每周的周讯是我们分享学生在学校课堂内外有趣学习经历的机会,也是我们致力于与家长和社区进行沟通的很好的工具和证明。
中国 青岛
From the Director 项目主任总结
We appreciate the students' and parents' ability to adapt this week as we all adjusted to community utility maintenance. I received notice Monday that the local utility company scheduled a power and water outage to allow for routine maintenance. This impact boarding schools a bit different than day schools. The decision to cancel school for Thursday was made out of respect for student comfort and health.
Because we value every day of learning as well as a show of good faith, our school has rescheduled this missed day by adjusting the previously scheduled Parent-Teacher Conference days in January. January 28th & 29th will now be regular school days. Semester reports will continue as normal.
Monday, March 29th, however, will now be our Parent-Teacher Conference day.
A College Visit 参观大学
As part of Baishan AWS's emphasis on preparing our students for college admissions, our students participated in a college visit Monday. This particular visit was from a representative from the Savannah College of Art and Design, popularly known as SCAD. SCAD now has three campuses around the world: Savannah, USA; Atlanta, USA, & Lacoste, France. They also offer online course to meet current students' needs.
Our Red-tie 11th graders joined younger students from Qingdao Amerasian International School. This visit served two major purposes of our students.
A couple of our students have shown propensities for Visual Art. Being able to hear and see SCAD requirements and majors can help our students set goals, and possibly offer an avenue for a career.
Secondly, whether the students are interested in SCAD or not, having these types of presentations help get our students on the path of reflecting on their own interests and university selections.
In these times when travel is quite restrictive, we feel fortunate to have this visit from Savannah College of Art & Design and thank Allison for her persistence in getting here to represent the school.
在目前由于疫情原因出行受限制的情况下,我们很幸运可以真切了解萨凡纳艺术与设计学院(Savannah College of Art&Design)的招生要求,非常感谢Allison坚持不懈地代表学校为我们讲解。
Special thanks to Mark Brierley for helping organize this event.
特别感谢Mark Brierley帮助组织这次活动。
1 - Red-tie students learning about Savannah College of Art & Design. 11年级红领带学生了解萨凡纳艺术与设计学院
2 - Red-tie students learning about Savannah College of Art & Design.11年级红领带学生了解萨凡纳艺术与设计学院
Mathematics with Mr. Guo 数学
Grade 10 students started a new unit on Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. They learned the meaning of simple and compound interest, and derived formulas to calculated interest. We discussed that similar method could be used to model population growth and decay.
Grade 11 students tried to solve problems with the trigonometric identities and formulas they learned in the past two weeks. It has been hard for them and they are working slowly.
Grade 9 students finalized their unit on graphing quadratic functions this week. We also reviewed previous knowledge of ratio and proportions to set up a foundation for our next topic, Similar Triangles.
English Language Arts with Ms. Jia and Ms. Jenn 英语语言文学
Half way through the first semester, students are working their way through our second novel of the year. This week in ELA, 9th grade students continued reading The Catcher in the Rye while also exploring point of view and what makes a narrator unreliable. Pay It Forward is the novel 10th grade is reading, and the focus of this week was both a review of figurative language. Students also read an article about teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. Finally, 11th grade students read about the history of the English language and began formulating arguments about the effects of language change and language diffusion on world cultures.
本学期已经过半,学生们正在努力完成本学年的第二部小说。本周在英语文学课上,九年级的学生继续阅读《麦田里的守望者》,同时也学习并探讨了小说的视角,观点以及什么可以导致叙述者的叙述不可靠。十年级的学生正在阅读《Pay it Forward》这部小说。本周学生们学习的重点是复习修辞性语言,除此之外,学生们还阅读并学习了一篇关于青少年气候活动家格雷塔·汤伯格的文章。十一年级的学生本周阅读并学习了英语语言的历史,并开始就语言变化和语言传播对世界文化的影响展开辩论。
Physical and Health Education with Coach Faamamafa 体育
This week we start off with our team building team and how to come up with different strategies to win the game. We repeat the flipping flat rubber disc to head and tail and see which team can end up having the most side face up. Students were able to talk and find a way on which one they should be more focus on rather than the one near them.
本周体育课上,我们从团队建设开始,学习了如何运用不同的策略来赢得比赛。我们练习了飞盘游戏 ,看看哪一支队伍最终会有最多的一面朝上。这项活动练习了学生们的交流能力和专注力。
We also have time to separate the students to master three skills in sport that they want to join in. Students were able to play badminton, basketball, volleyball, and some of them used the training room. I walked around to check if everyone got their three skills sorted out and help them do it in the right way and motion. Students learned how to use different equipment at the gym and how they are used.
Physics with Mr. Kytle 物理
3 - These two worked hard to find out all they could about their chosen element.
4 - Eden and Justin working hard to finalize their project on Silver. Great Job!!!
Eden and Justin努力完成了关于银元素的研究报告。很棒!
5 - An amazing collaborative effort and a really well researched presentation!
6 - Can the magnet move the tomato? 磁铁能移动西红柿吗?
7 - Everyone can place a coin on the side on a lemon, but what happens when the lemon is floating in a bowl of water? The students worked hard to overcome the force of Gravity.
8 - A team effort to see if there are iron and other metals in this tomato.
9 - Rain is working hard to see if the force of electromagnetism can move his tomato.
This week there is a lot to report. The students finalized their presentations on their chosen elements and gave some really well researched presentations to the rest of the class. They are going to need this information as we have just started our Unit on Force and Matter. The four fundamental forces of the Universe are: Gravity, Electromagnetic Force, Strong Force, and Weak Force. The students started out this week by doing several lab activities where they examined these forces at work in our regular lives. We will continue to study these forces this week and next and see how they are responsible for the structure of the Universe.
本周在物理课上我们学习了很多知识。学生们完成了对他们所选元素的陈述,并给全班其他同学做了一些经过充分研究的报告。 我们开始学习力和物质这一单元,这些信息对他们来说非常有用。宇宙的四种基本力是:重力、电磁力、强力和弱力。本周学生们进行了几项实验活动,考察了这些力在我们日常生活中的作用。下周我们将继续研究这些力,看看它们是如何影响宇宙结构的。
Chemistry with Ms. Jiajia 化学
In this week, Grade 11 students learned covalent bonding, covalent substance, naming covalent compound, Lewis structure of covalently bonded molecules. Students made their own quiz for each other, and took the quiz to get well understanding.
这个星期,11年级学生学习了共价键,共建化合物,及其命名与Lewis 结构。学生间相互创造试卷,测试自己所学知识,加深自己对这周所学知识的理解与掌握。
Next week, they will study shapes of molecules, polar & non-polar VSEPR & hybridization, resonance & formal charge, metallic bonding, and alloys.
下周, 他们将学习分子构型,极性与非极性,价键理论与杂化,共振与形式电荷,金属键及合金。
Humanities with Ms. Brauer 人文科学
The Geographers of Grade 9 are studying what happens in developing countries where water stress and water scarcity means some people can’t access the safe water and sanitation, they need to live long and healthy lives.
Our Historians have been traveling the Silk Road this week, setting off from the Han dynasty to venture West with silks and porcelains. They’ll return just in time for the Mongols to sweep down from the North!
The Geographers of Grade 11 are continuing their development studies, comparing different possible paths of economic development, and evaluating critiques of the IMF, World Bank, and WTO that have grown in recent years.
Chinese Language with Ms. Zheng 中国文学
本周中国文学课,同学们分组展示了他们的学术思想流派海报,并对第二单元的学习内容进行复习,以迎接下周的单元测试。同时,我们开启了第三单元——宗教信仰的学习,对各信仰宗教的来源、发展历程、教义等做了整体认知。接下来,我们会一起探索学习他们的魅力和奥秘。In this week's Chinese literature class, the G10 students presented their posters of academic thought schools in groups and reviewed the contents of unit 2 for the unit test next week. At the same time, we started the third unit - the study of religious beliefs, and made a comprehensive understanding of the sources, development process and doctrines of various religions. Next, we will explore their charm and mystery together.
11年级AP中文课的学生们已经非常扎实地掌握了句子成分划分的原则和方法,并能准确熟练地划分高难度的句子。通过课上的“汉语PK赛”,帮助学生进一步巩固了短语、句子等语法知识。另外,文化专题方面,学生们已经确定自己感兴趣的节日,并开始着手准备风俗文化专题Project。The students of AP Chinese class in G11 have mastered the principles and methods of sentence composition division, and can accurately and skillfully divide difficult sentences. Through the "Chinese PK contest" in class, it helps students further consolidate the grammar knowledge of phrases and sentences. In addition, in terms of cultural topics, students have identified the festivals that they are interested in and begin to prepare the custom and culture project.
Visual Arts with Mr. Brandt 视觉艺术
The Blue-tie 9th grade students are now applying their extensive research of colors and observational drawings to their selected subjects. They are starting with the watercolor paint, learning how to use the different techniques. The Red- and Green-tie 11th and 10th grade students are also applying their understanding of acrylic paint.
Both groups of students are demonstrating their skills of layering paints. These techniques include wetting the paper first to create large, general areas with semi-transparent paint and the second technique of using dryer paint to create the intense colors that apply to details.
All students have a sketchbook assignment due Tuesday of this coming week: creating a fruit still life based on observational drawings, as exemplified by the title image.
Chinese Studies with Mr. Zhan 中国文学
从《范进中举》中,我看到了中国古代科举考试的黑暗,对读书人心灵的腐蚀。从《三顾茅庐》中,我看到刘备求贤若渴的耐心和诚心,想到只要你肯坚持没有什么是干不好的事情。从《刘姥姥进大观园》这篇课文里我看到曹雪芹笔下的角色的性格都那么鲜明,即使是在笑的时候,也是个性鲜明。 ——高晟翔
在《范进中举》中,我读出了明清时期科举考试僵化而导致的一系列问题。范进对于功名利禄的不停追求令我思考我们学习的目的到底是什么。 ——纪晓雯
文学的发展是这几年来人们非常关心的焦点问题之一,我认为阅读经典是文化传承的主要方式之一。我们当然应该紧跟时代,了解当下的文学以及影响文学发展方向的事件,但同时也不应将经典抛在脑后。这,大概是我学习第六单元取得的最大收获。 ——张馨心
University Guidance with Ms. Du 美国大学升学指导课
This week, at the beginning of the class, I shared some ideas and experiences of the high school career planning training which the Qingdao Educational Bureau organized last week. It was a precious experience and the training confirmed that AWS is on the right track to help our students choose majors and universities. In this class, students got three worksheets to figure out what "MATCH" means for college application and they need to do research about three universities and fill out the form after class. Then students learned how to explore detailed information about a university and were invited to have a online visual campus visit of USC. Due to COVID-19, online visual campus tour provides students a good opportunity to visit international schools. They were impressed by the advanced facilities and excellent school environment, which could help them enhance motivation for study abroad.
Contact Us 联系我们
Please feel free to contact us! 如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系!
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Shazikou Dongjiang (Baishan Campus), Laoshan District, Qingdao, China 266102
Tel: +86 532 8881-5655
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