Thanksgiving 2020 of Baishan AWS
From the Director 白珊·安妮项目主任寄语
This is a special Thanksgiving edition of the Baishan AWS Weekly Update. As someone who feels quite fortunate to be part of this institution, especially during an unpredictable year, I felt that my personal reflections were warranted. I do feel very thankful to be part of such as wonderful, young program, surrounded by great kids and faculty. As such, this special Thanksgiving Weekly Update will be more personal, written completely by me, Lorne Brandt.这是白珊·安妮高中感恩节特别版报道。我非常幸运能成为白珊·安妮高中团队的一员,特别是在今年变幻莫测的形势下,我真的非常感激能加入到白珊·安妮高中这个年轻并且充满活力的团体中,非常感谢身边优秀的孩子和老师们。因此,在本期感恩节特别版报道中,我将回忆我本人之前的一些感恩节经历并介绍给大家。
As a partner school of Annie Wright Schools in Tacoma, Washington and as one centered on American education, celebrating American Thanksgiving is important. Starting last year -- our first year -- our students learned about this traditional holiday by helping in the kitchen and, of course, sitting at the large table for dinner and stories. This year, Baishan AWS's goal was to do even better by truly capturing the full atmosphere of an American Thanksgiving. In order to achieve this, I first needed to reflect on my own life and try to remember all the of the events that made my Thanksgivings memorable. 作为美国华盛顿州塔科马市安妮·怀特学校的合作伙伴,青岛白珊·安妮高中是以美国教育为中心的高中项目,庆祝美国传统的感恩节非常重要。从去年项目开始之初 ,白珊·安妮高中的学生就通过亲身体验制作传统感恩节食物,并一起就餐来了解感恩节的历史和传统。今年,白珊·安妮高中想通过营造浓厚的感恩节气氛,让学生们更充分地感受这一传统节日 。为此,我回忆了我之前在美国家中过感恩节的经历。
I remember spending the prior night in the kitchen with my mother and sister boiling eggs and preparing pie crusts. I remember peeling and mashing potatoes. My entire family would sit in the living room and watch a Thanksgiving special on television. The last thoughts before falling asleep were filled with anticipation of sitting at the children's table and laughing with my cousins, until the adults quieted us down. 记得在感恩节前一天晚上,我和妈妈、姐姐在厨房煮鸡蛋,准备馅饼皮,削土豆皮和捣土豆。我们全家都会坐在客厅里,看电视上的感恩节特别节目。晚上入睡前的最后一个念头就是想象着我们一群孩子坐在桌子旁,我和我的堂兄弟们一起欢笑,直到大人们让我们安静下来。
Early Thanksgiving morning, my family would drive to my grandmother's farm house about 2 hours away. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade would already be on the television. Undoubtedly, there were guests or distant family members that I'd be introduced to. The house was filled with nearly 40 people -- both family and guests -- all divided into two rooms: the kitchen and the television room. I was pulled in between based on how helpful I was. 感恩节一大早,我和家人们会开车到我祖母的农舍,大约2小时车程。梅西百货的感恩节游行已经在电视上播出了。毫无疑问,这一天我会见到远方的客人和亲戚。屋子里坐满了近40个人——包括家人和客人——我们分两个房间就坐:厨房和电视客厅。我在中间来回穿梭帮忙准备食物。
The yearly Thanksgiving feast promptly started at 12-noon regardless of whether someone was late. The meal had to start on time so we could start watching the NFL professional American football game on time. The two largest rooms in the house were converted into dinner rooms -- each with two long tables with various types of chairs. Once dinner was over, the table seemingly exploded with most of the sports fanatics quickly landing in the living room to watch the football game. Some fell asleep. Some wished they could. Some escaped from family and sat on the porch. 一年一度的感恩节大餐一般从中午12点开始,不管是否有人迟到,就餐必须准时开始,这样我们才能准时开始观看NFL美国职业橄榄球赛。房子里最大的两个房间在这一天被改造成两个大的餐厅,每个房间都有两张长桌子和各种各样的椅子。大餐一结束,桌子似乎要爆炸了,体育狂热分子们迅速来到客厅观看球赛。有些人睡着了,有些人希望他们能入睡,有些人从家里逃出来,坐在门廊上。
After the first television football game ended, the children would all go to the field in front of the house and begin our own football game. Two teams were created from the children ranging from toddlers to high school students. Jeans got dirty. Shirts were accidently ripped. No one cared. All enjoyed being able to spend time competing with each other. 在第一场电视橄榄球赛结束后,孩子们都会去屋前的球场,开始我们的橄榄球比赛。孩子们从幼儿到高中生全加在一起,分成两队。裤子被弄脏了,衬衫被撕破了,没人在乎,所有人都沉浸在互相欢闹互相竞技的快乐中。
These memories were the motivations behind this year's 2nd Annual Baishan AWS Thanksgiving Day Dinner. 以上,所有的回忆就是今年第二届白珊·安妮高中感恩节活动最初的来源。
1 - The lobby decorated for Thanksgiving. 白珊·安妮高中教学大厅的感恩节装饰
2 - The lobby decorated for Thanksgiving.白珊·安妮高中教学大厅的感恩节装饰
3 - The dinner table 感恩节大餐餐桌
4 - The lobby decorated for Thanksgiving.白珊·安妮高中教学大厅的感恩节装饰
Our Guests 嘉宾
5 - Students and administrators sitting enjoying dinner 学生和老师们一起共享感恩节大餐
Our guests of honor, Madame Baishan Zhang, Mr. Xu, Mr. Wang, Ms. Claire Wen took time out of their busy days to join us for dinner. Madame Zhang, as the leader of our campus, graciously delivered the ceremonial first slicing of the turkey. 我们的嘉宾,董事长张白珊女士,许新校长,白珊学校中学部王主任,温助理,从他们忙碌的工作中抽出时间和我们共进感恩节大餐。张白珊女士作为我们教育集团的领导人,为我们隆重地送上了第一片火鸡。
We were fortunate to have the Qingdao Baishan International Program 8th and 9th graders accept our invitations to join us for dinner and activities. In addition to joining us at the table, several of these students volunteered to stay and help clean up afterwards. The other students joined us for a game of American football on the field. I thank the advisors for joining us and for agreeing to bring such well-behaved students. 白珊·安妮高中非常有幸邀请到了白珊学校国际班8年级和9年级的学生与我们一起共进感恩节大餐。除了一起进餐,有的学生自愿留下来帮忙打扫卫生,有的学生和白珊·安妮高中的学生一起在球场上玩美式橄榄球。非常感谢国际班的班主任们能带这么优秀的孩子们与我们一起体验感恩节活动。
Giving Thanks 给予感谢
Another addition to this year's dinner was a reading of thanks. All students, faculty, and guests were given a card where they could write down a few sentences that explained what they were thankful for. Students filled these cards with words of appreciation for their parents, teachers, school leaders, and to each other. These cards were read before dinner. 今年感恩节的另一项活动是读感谢卡。所有学生、教职工和嘉宾们都给到了一张感谢卡,大家可以写下几句话来表达他们想感谢的事情。学生们的卡片写满了对家长、老师、学校领导和对同学之间互相的感谢。在就餐前,我们阅读了这些感恩卡片。
As a suprise, Ms. Emilia Zheng's students delivered hand-made cards with sentimental words to their chosen people. These were read aloud. 作为惊喜,白珊·安妮郑老师带领学生们亲手制作了饱含真情实感的感谢卡,送给他们想要赠送的人,并现场大声的朗读了出来。
Our Thanksgiving activities began the night prior. Led by Ms. Jenn Roth, several students began making pies Wednesday. 白珊·安妮的感恩节活动在周三的晚上就开始了,由英语语言文学Jenn Roth老师带领几个学生开始制作南瓜派。
Thanksgiving morning started with a demonstration of proper knife techniques and safety. As a trained chef, Ms. Kim Brauer was able to give expert advice on how to properly handle kitchen knives, prevent kitchen traffic accidents, and what to do if an unfortunate event would have occurred. 感恩节早上,首先是对学生们就如何适当使用刀子和其他安全问题进行了讲解。白珊·安妮人文课Kim Brauer老师作为受过专业训练的大厨,她对于如何适当的使用手持的厨房刀具,避免厨房过于拥挤的事故,以及不幸的意外发生该如何应急这些方面给出了专业的意见。
The students were then divided into groups, with some making their way to the kitchen to prepare casseroles and the others helping with traditional Thanksgiving crafts, such as a Thanksgiving Tree and making paper cut snowflakes. The Blue Tie 9th graders were taught how to make green bean casserole by Mr. Richard Kytle. Soon after, Ms. Brauer helped students prepare the traditional sweet potato casserole. 学生们随后被分成几个小组,一些人到厨房准备炖烧菜,另一些人则帮助制作传统的感恩节工艺品,比如感恩节树和制作剪纸雪花。蓝领带9年级的学生在白珊·安妮科学课Richard Kytle老师的指导下制作炖青豆菜。在这之前,白珊·安妮人文课Kim Brauer老师带领学生一起准备了经典的番薯美食。
Special thanks goes to Madame Baishan Zhang for the gracious use of her personal kitchen and resources. The cafeteria also helped with preparing the stuffing and gravy.
6 - Green Tie Jay helping make the Thanksgiving Tree.
7 - Blue Tie Jessica helping make the Thanksgiving Tree.
8 - Green Ties Katherine, Max S., and Henry helping prepare the pie crusts.
绿领带Katherine, Max S., and Henry帮忙准备馅饼皮
9 - Ms. Brauer leading a session on how to make sweet potato casserole.
10 - Green Ties Alex and Jay enjoying time in the kitchen.
绿领带Alex and Jay在厨房里的欢乐时光
Dinner time 感恩节大餐
Our Thanksgiving feast was complete with all of the traditional foods:
◦ Turkey, of course 火鸡(必须的)
◦ Gravy 肉汁
◦ Stuffing 配菜
◦ Cranberry sauce 蔓越莓酱
◦ Sweet potato casserole 炒番薯
◦ Green bean casserole 炒青豆
◦ Mashed potatoes 土豆泥
◦ Dinner rolls餐包
◦ Pumpkin pie for desert 甜品:南瓜派
Our dedicated teachers, Ms. Kim Brauer, Ms. Jenn Roth, and Mr. Richard Kytle, did a wonderful job of providing our students with such great experiences while producing very delicious foods. 我们优秀的外教Kim Brauer老师,Jenn Roth老师和Richard Kytle老师非常出色地指导学生们完成了美味佳肴。
I also want to thank Ms. Carol Hu, Ms. Helen Du, and Ms. Iris Jia for all that they did to coordinate materials. Thanks also goes to the cafeteria for the help. 非常白珊·安妮其他教职员工胡老师、杜老师、以及贾老师感恩节所做的所有的准备工作,同时也非常感谢餐厅的大力支持。
11 - Students getting help from Ms. Roth during dinner. 学生们帮助 Ms. Roth老师准备食物
12 - Students preparing their dinner plates 学生们排队取餐
13 - Ms. Helen Du & Tacoma Red Tie Suki during dinner Helen老师和塔科马红领带学生Sukie
14 - Faculty preparing their dinner plates. 老师们取餐
15 - Faculty preparing their dinner plates.老师们取餐
16 - Faculty enjoying their dinner. 老师们就餐的欢乐时光
17 - One of the two dinner tables 学生就餐
After-dinner Activities 餐后活动
Consistent with many families' after-dinner activities, Baishan AWS watched a television special, watched some NFL football, and took part in a real football game on the field. 为了让学生更好地体验大多数美国家庭感恩节的餐后活动,白珊·安妮高中为学生们准备了特别的感恩节电视节目,NFL美国橄榄球联盟活动,并且在操场上实际体验了美式橄榄球运动。
Immediately following the dinner all students -- and several faculty members -- enjoyed a showing of the classic Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving Special, with special star Snoopy. 感恩节大餐之后,所有的学生和教职工们一起赏阅了由查理斯布朗导演,史努比狗特别版本的经典感恩节电影。
Thanks to Mr. Guo Ting and Coach Laki Faamamafa for organizing the field events. 最后,非常感谢白珊·安妮数学郭挺老师和体育Laki Faamamafa教练在球场上组织学生进行橄榄球比赛活动。
18 - Students settling on the couch after dinner preparing to watch a Thanksgiving special on television. 感恩节大餐后,学生们坐在沙发上,准备观看感恩节特别电视节目
19 - Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving Day Special 查理斯布朗导演的经典感恩节电影
20 - Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving Day Special 查理斯布朗导演的经典感恩节电影
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